

God's help, helping others (See also serving)

"If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble." - Bob Hope
"The LORD is with me; he is my helper." Psalm 118:7a


Extend Your Hand

The children will enjoy reflecting and drawing things that they have enjoyed giving to others.

God Is My Helper

The children will discover just how much God provides and helps us.

Good Deeds

Children discover the importance of doing good deeds for others.

Got Fish?

An old favorite but with a few new surprises.

Love Your Neighbor

An activity to help children learn how they can love and help their neighbors.

Number One

(Coloring Activity) Children race to finish their activity first while learning that sometimes being first is last and being last is first.

Queen Esther Jigsaw Puzzle

Children improve their fine motor skills while having fun putting the picture together.

Rahab Helps The Spies

Children put pictures of Rahab hiding the spies in order according to the Bible story.

The Helping Tour

The children take a quick church tour to visit places where people help others and serve God.

Ways We Care

Children take turns showing some of the ways they can show kindness and care for others.

Where Is The Helper?

The children will identify the helpers in the pictures.

Who Is God's Helper?

Children circle the pictures that show who is being a good helper for God.

Who Is Helping?

The children will identify helpers and color the pictures.


Good Samaritan

Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves.


A Time To Help

The children will identify a time and a way to help others.

Give To The Poor

The children will enjoy making a craft to remind them that when they give to the poor they will lack nothing.

Hands That Help

The children will make a craft to remind them to help and pray.

Helper Telescope

The children will practice looking for ways to help others.

Helping Hands

A great craft to teach children that they are never too young to help.

Let Us Love One Another

A lesson about love from the midwives of Exodus 1:15-22.

Ruth's Basket

Children design their own basket to collect grain like Ruth did in the field belonging to Boaz.

Serve God Everyday

Kids move up and down a footprint to show how they serve the Lord each day of the week.

Seven Good Years - Seven Bad Years

Children create a colorful grain silo to demonstrate the seven good years and seven bad years during the time Joseph was in Egypt.


Are You Ananias?

Children pretend they are Saul after becoming blind on the road to Damascus, and try to find Ananias.

Hard Work Pays Off

Children pretend to pick up grain like Ruth to learn how good it is to work for the Lord.

Help Me, Brother!

The children will help one another complete an obstacle course.

Helper Ball

This game will help children practice coming up with ways to help in different situations.

Jesus Helps Me See

Even when we are unable to see, we can still know Jesus is there for us.

Matching Helpers

The children will play a matching game and learn about ways to help.

The Friend Race

Each child will work with a friend to win a race.


A Loving Heart

This lesson will help the children learn how to share from their heart in a loving way. A great lesson for Valentine's Day.


This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we help others!

Brave Queen Esther

Children discover how Queen Esther saved the Jewish people and learn that we should also help others whenever we can.


This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we help others!


This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we show compassion to others.

God's Helper

In this lesson, the children will learn that they can be like Jesus when they help and serve others.

God's Little Helper

This lesson will help the children understand that they should grow both physically and spiritually so they can help and serve others in need.

Mary Magdalene

This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we tell others about Jesus!

Rahab And The Spies

In this lesson, the children learn about Rahab, a woman of faith who helped protect the spies sent by Joshua to look over the Promised Land.

Restoration To The Poor

In this lesson, the children will see how God uses Nehemiah to care for both the poor and the Israelites.

Ruth Works For God

In this lesson, children discover how God shows kindness and provides for them in many ways. They will also learn that working to please God is better than working only to please people.

Who Is The Greatest?

In this lesson, children learn that sometimes to be first is to be last. While other times, being last means being first. People who humble themselves and help serve others are considered first in God's eyes.

Working For Jesus

In this lesson, children discover that spiritual growth comes through serving others. They also learn that God desires everyone to work as if working for Him and with all of their heart.


Mrs. Smith's Ladder

A skit that teaches the importance of giving yourself to others to show Jesus' love. (Skit for two puppets)


I Can Be A Helper

Children learn that no matter their age, they can be a helper for Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

I'm A Little Helper

Little ones learn to become big helpers for Jesus in this song. Sung to the tune of “I'm a Little Teapot.”

They Call Her Esther

A lively song about brave Queen Esther Sung to the theme song from “Flipper.”

Wake Me Up!

Children sing about how they can be used to serve and follow Jesus. Sung to the tune of "London Bridge is Falling Down."


A Man Who Could Not Move

(Storybook Available) A paralized man is able to see Jesus with a little help from his friends.

Lamb Without A Bed

A story about an unselfish lamb who was rewarded by being part of a very important celebration.

Queen Esther Saves Her People

The story of how God placed Queen Esther in the right place at the right time to save her people.

The Good Neighbor

A retelling of the story of the Good Samaritan.

The Three Legged Fox

(Storybook Available) A fictional story near the time of creation about a small fox who had big faith in God.