

Contentment from God even when faced with hardships difficulties (See also happiness)

"Let those who are right and good be glad. Let them be happy before God. Yes, let them be full of joy." Psalm 68:3 NLV


Count It All Joy

Children use teamwork to spell the word joy.

Leaping And Dancing For The Lord

Children leap and dance before the Lord as King David did when the ark of God entered Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6:14)

Reach For The Stars

The children will have fun collecting stars as they think about shining like a star for Jesus.

Share The Joy

A fun activity that teaches children that there are many ways to share our joy from Jesus with others.

The Party’s Over

The children will learn that true joy doesn’t come from the world but from Jesus, and the joy He gives lasts for eternity.


Basketful Of Joy

The story of Ruth is about a young widow who found a basketful of joy because she decided to follow the Lord. God has many baskets full of joy for all who follow His Son Jesus Christ.

Robes Of Righteousness (Grade School)

Children create their own colorful robes to demonstrate how they can rejoice in the Lord who clothes us with robes of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)

Robes Of Righteousness (Preschool)

Children add brilliant colors to show how they can rejoice in the Lord who clothes us with robes of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)


King David Dances Before The Lord

King David leaping and dancing before the Lord wearing an ephod to celebrate the return of the ark of the covenant. (2 Samuel 6:14-16)


Joseph's Robe

A fun chance for children to make their own version of Joseph’s fancy robe.

Receive The Joy

The children will create a craft to remind them that God is holy.


Hop In The Spirit

Children learn the nine characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit while playing a fun, interactive game.


Dancing For The Lord

This lesson shows how King David leaped and danced for joy before the Lord. Children will also learn that although they may not grow up to be kings or queens, whatever jobs they get are blessings from God and deserving of praise.


This lesson series will help children realize that they can bring glory to God by walking in the Spirit and bearing good fruit in their lives.

Live Joyfully

In this lesson, the children will see how much Paul loved others and encouraged them to live joyfully for Christ in all circumstances.

Singing In Jail

In this lesson, Paul continues to tell others that Jesus is wonderful. However, some people don't like what he is doing and lock him and his friend Silas in jail. Children discover that even during hard times, they can still sing and have joy in their hearts because of Jesus.

The Shepherds

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Shepherds and the joy that filled them upon hearing news of Jesus’ birth. They let this excitement change their plans, their hearts, and their actions. They also made the choice to share this Good News with others!


Dancing Squirrel

A dancing squirrel teaches children to praise the Lord. Read it as a poem or make up any tune where the kids can dance along.

He Loves Me

A simple song about the love of Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Three Blind Mice.”

Joyful, Happy, And Thankful

(Audio Available) A song to roll with laughter while learning about the three persons of God. Sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

Shepherds In The Field At Night

We need to joyfully tell others about Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”


Joy And Singing In Jail

A story of joy that came about because Paul and his friend Silas continued to worship and sing to the Lord while in jail. (Acts 16:16-34)