

Directions given from someone who knows what is right (See also leadership)

"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure." Proverbs 11:14


Don't Forget To Listen

Children have fun while learning the importance of listening for Jesus.

Eyes Of The Lord

A coloring and drawing activity to reveal how good it is to have the eyes of the Lord watching over us all the time.

Following God's Instructions

Children learn the importance of following God's instructions.

Robot Walk

Although we may not hear His actual voice, God will guide us by touching our hearts.

Star Search

Children search for matching stars because Jesus is the Bright Morning Star.

What Do You Hear?

Children playfully come to understand that God speaks to us in a still, quiet voice.

Who's A Big Kid Now?

In this activity, the children learn how important it is to follow exactly the orders given by adults.


Follow The Leader

A whimsical yet truthful picture of how Jesus is the most important leader all of us should follow.

Our Good Shepherd

A pleasant and colorful reminder that Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He watches over us, protects us, and in Him we shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)


Balaam's Donkey

Balaam tries to persuade his donkey to keep moving, not realizing an angel blocks the path.


Balaam's Donkey

Children create donkey ears headbands to reenact the story of Balaam and his donkey.

Jesus At The Wheel

Jesus is our Lord, and He will guide us down all of life's many roads when we let Him sit in the front seat.

Promised Land Trail Mix

It is important to follow the leader's instructions, especially if the instructions come from God.


Caterpillar Chase

God will be our guide when we choose to follow close to Him.


A King's Lie

This lesson teaches children to live and walk in Truth but trusting God and obeying His commands. Children also discover how God knows all and sees all.

Balaam And His Donkey

This lesson will help younger children understand that although they may not see God, He is always there to guide them along the way.

Hearing Jesus

This lesson will help children understand that God hears them and they can hear Him too through the Holy Spirit. They will also learn that they are like sheep, kept safe in God’s hands.

Jesus Is Lord

This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus is Lord of all and that He is the Lord of their lives too.

Joshua Leads Israel

In this lesson, the children learn how the Lord appointed Joshua to be the leader of Israel after the death of Moses. God gave Joshua the big job of leading His people into the promised land.

The Lord Calls Samuel

In this lesson, children learn that God speaks to us today in many different ways. He speaks to us through the Bible, through other people—such as preachers and teachers, and through the wonderful world that He created.


Right Environment

Just as it takes the right environment to grow a beautiful flower, it also takes the right environment for us to grow spiritually.


Lighten My Load

(Audio Available) Children sing about giving their sorrows, fears, and worries to the Lord. Sung to “Jesus Loves Me."


Balaam's Donkey

The story of Balaam and his talking donkey on the journey to Moab as found in Numbers 22:21-35.