The children will learn to look for ways to be kind.
While completing this activity children will learn about Boaz’s kindness to Ruth and Naomi.
The children will guess the contents of each box to learn about living for Jesus.
The children will learn what it takes to build a “wall” of faith.
A counting activity that teaches children that forgiveness is a gift of love.
The children will color and create puzzles as a reminder to forgive.
The children will enjoy receiving a sticker to enlighten them of their feelings and expressions when giving and receiving.
Children will practice going the extra mile to show love to their enemies.
An Activity and a Craft where children search for missing hearts that once found make a special gift of love.
(Coloring Activity) As followers of Jesus, we should not have favorites, but love everyone.
Children learn the importance of forgiving others, as God forgives us.
Children enjoy solving the puzzle, while learning an important truth.
The children will create puppets and then use them to retell the story of Jonah.
Children pretend to look through God's eyes and choose between love and justice.
An activity to help children learn how they can love and help their neighbors.
The children will match ways to serve God with all of their hearts.
Children will practice giving without expectations of receiving something in return.
God created people who are different, but all are special in His eyes. A sweet activity using oranges.
The children will go on a nature walk to observe God’s love as shown through nature.
The children will practice being servants as they play.
Kids quickly decide if what you say is showing love and kindness or not.
Before reacting in a negative way, it is always best to stop, drop, and pray.
The children will draw portraits of the people they love.
An activity to help the children learn that everyone needs our prayers.
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. (John 15:10)
We live in a world made up of many different people from many different backgrounds, nationalities and lifestyles. God loves everyone. Children must learn to respect and love each other, because God loves all of us.
An exciting way for the children in your class to see who is special to God.
Using shapes to represent colors, children create a colorful picture of a heart and cross resembling a stained glass church window.
Coloring Page of Mary anointing Jesus with a jar of expensive perfume. (John 12:3)
The children will color shapes to discover a special picture.
Children can color different symbols of love, the greatest being the cross of Jesus.
The parable of the prodigal son demonstrates God's Love for us. Luke 15:11-32
Children will be curious about what the message might be if God sent them a Valentine's card.
The children will create a book to help them remember to pray.
The children will learn about how much Jesus loves them while they make a cup full of tasty treats to take home.
A mobile craft to help the children remember the most important commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Mark 12:30)
The children will create a craft about God’s patience.
A lesson about love from the midwives of Exodus 1:15-22.
Kids have fun constructing their own pair of colorful binoculars to remind them that God is a God of love and justice.
The children will create a class craft to demonstrate God’s love.
The children will make a craft about showing love as leaders.
Children will enjoy making a card for someone special, while learning that God doesn’t look at the size of the gift but rather the heart of the giver.
Children make a special wheel to give to dad that shows how much they love him.
Children make a special wheel to give to mom that shows how much they love her.
Children create a heart pendant to remind them to show love and kindness to others as Jesus shows them love and kindness.
The children will learn that the contents of our hearts are important to God.
Children will have fun gathering goodies and Care Cards for their moms, just as Ruth gathered food for herself and Naomi.
The children will enjoy making a craft to demonstrate how vast and numerous God’s thoughts are about us.
Children will enjoy this craft as they learn to love and pray for their enemies.
The children will create a craft to show that God’s love is the greatest love of all.
Children fill their hearts with words to describe how they will treat others when they put Jesus first in their own lives.
Children play musical chairs for a chance to discover how special they are to Jesus and how much He loves them.
The children will play a memory game as a reminder that God deserves all our love, for He is jealous when we love other things more than Him.
A simple, fast-paced, happy game to help kids share the love of Jesus
The children will race to gather wheat pieces and learn about gleaning.
Children learn the nine characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit while playing a fun, interactive game.
The children race to be the first to spell “JESUS.”
Children will find the hidden letters to learn about God’s great love.
God so loved the world, He sent His only son. We can run, but can't escape God's love.
Children memorize Bible phrases regarding God’s love.
The children will retrieve index cards and spell “FORGIVE.”
The children will identify good things that follow Jesus’ example.
A giant floor game to teach children that above all else, they should have love.
This lesson about King Saul's jealousy of David, teaches the children that jealousy is a sin. The children also learn that God calls us to love and pray for everyone, even our enemies.
This lesson will help the children learn how to share from their heart in a loving way. A great lesson for Valentine's Day.
In this lesson, the children will learn how much God loves them, as He offers them the gift of salvation through Jesus from who they can receive new beginnings.
In this lesson, children learn about David and his best friend Jonathan. They will also discover how friends are a blessing from God and that Jesus wants to be our best friend.
This lesson series will help children realize that they can bring glory to God by walking in the Spirit and bearing good fruit in their lives.
This Sunday school lesson will identify God as being good because He always takes care of us even when bad things happen.
This Sunday school lesson will identify God as being perfect and holy as well as explain to children that God’s holiness provided Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins.
This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that our jealousy is bad, but God’s jealousy is good because He is the only one we should worship.
This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that God loves us, and His love is greater than any other love.
This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that God is merciful and forgiving.
In this Sunday school lesson, children discover that they are very important to Jesus. They are special in His eyes because they are God's children.
Our thoughts and actions need to show that Jesus is first in our lives.
In this lesson the children discover that Jesus was a child just like them, but He was also God's one and only Son. The children will also learn how God shows love for His Son and how He loves us just as much.
This lesson will demonstrate the love and kindness of Jesus. The children will also learn how important it is to show that same kind of love and kindness towards others.
In this lesson, children learn the importance of forgiving others. When we forgive others, we make more room in our hearts for the love of Jesus.
Jesus is our best example, and we can follow Him!
This lesson reveals God’s heart for all people. Children will see why and how we are to love everyone, even our enemies.
This lesson will help the children know how much God loves them and how they can show love to others through the example given by Jesus.
In this lesson, the children learn how Jesus helps us love others and obey Him.
In this lesson, children will learn that doing it all for Jesus means to give Him our very best in whatever we do and whatever we have. Jesus is pleased when we give our whole life to Him.
In this lesson, the children learn that doing it all for Jesus means to love Him with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. Also, that we must love others in the same way, because this is pleasing to Jesus.
This lesson will teach children the qualities of a loving father and that all of us can have this type of loving relationship with our Heavenly Father.
This four week series teaches students some of the major qualities of godly love.
This lesson teaches children that true love is kind because God is kind.
This lesson teaches children that true love is patient because God is patient.
This object talk helps children understand God’s love for them.
An illustration to show the children the depth of God's love for them.
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. (John 15:10)
(Audio Available) A song about showing love for Jesus by giving all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Mark 12:30) Sung to “I Surrender All.”
(Audio Available) A song about the Prodigal Son coming back home to his father. Sung to the tune, “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone.”
A song about how the lives of others are affected when we decide to put Jesus first in our own lives. Sung to “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone?”
The story of a lasting friendship between David and Jonathan. (1 Samuel 18-20)
The story of one Sunday school teacher who gave the children something more than a memory verse.
A young girl shows how much she loves God by putting Jesus first in her life.
A retelling of the story of the Good Samaritan.