

The Son of God, the Christ, our Lord and Savior

"If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God." 1 John 4:15



An activity to help children realize some of the hardships of being blind.

Colorful Love

Using shapes to represent colors, children create a colorful picture of a heart and cross resembling a stained glass church window.

Come Aboard

Children come aboard the boat to show how much Jesus cares about them.

Evidence Of The Invisible

An activity to help children understand the invisible world around them.

God Loves Me!

A fun writing and coloring activity that teaches children that God loves them

How Jesus Fed Five Thousand

Children match the correct basket to the number of loaves and fish shown.

Immanuel - God With Us

A colorful activity to help the children see that God is with us in the person of Jesus, as described in Matthew 1:23.

Jesus Is...

With this activity, children select five pictures that describe who Jesus is.

Jesus Loves You!

Children enjoy solving the puzzle, while learning an important truth.

Most Important

Children discover there are many important things, but nothing is more important than Jesus.

Palm Branch Maze

Children find their way to Jesus through a maze of palm branches.

Remember Me

An activity to help children remember Jesus.

Remembering Jesus

A snack activity that will help children understand the importance of the communion service.

Star Search

Children search for matching stars because Jesus is the Bright Morning Star.

The Party’s Over

The children will learn that true joy doesn’t come from the world but from Jesus, and the joy He gives lasts for eternity.

What Is Jesus Doing?

By identifying some of the things Jesus is doing, the kids learn more about their Heavenly Father

Where Did Jesus Go?

In this fun activity, children will get an idea about where Jesus went after He died on the cross, and what He is preparing for those who believe in Him.

Who Is Jesus?

Children describe who Jesus is with the help of a few pictures.


Jesus Fills Me Up

An interactive bulletin board to reward the children for attendance, answering questions, good behavior and much more.

Jesus Is...

This bulletin board will help children remember five important things that Jesus is.

Putting Jesus First

Children will enjoy completing this interactive bulletin board/coloring activity and seeing how they can put Jesus first with their words, actions, thoughts, and life.


Colorful Love

Using shapes to represent colors, children create a colorful picture of a heart and cross resembling a stained glass church window.

Jesus And His Disciples

Children color Jesus as He tells parables to His disciples.

Jesus Carrying The Cross

(Connect-the-Dots) After completing this coloring activity, children discover what Jesus carried on His way to Calvary.

Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man

Jesus heals a paralyzed man in the midst of a great crowd.

Jesus Heals The Blind Man

Jesus heals the man that was blind from birth.

Jesus On The Cross

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

Jesus performs His first miracle by turning water into wine!

Jesus Walks On Water

A look at the feet of Jesus as He walks on water as seen from under the sea.

Palm Leaf

Children create their own palm leafs to celebrate Palm Sunday

Who Is The King Of The Jungle?

Although the jungle has many powerful creatures, Jesus is the king and master of all.

Zacchaeus Come Down!

Zacchaeus climbs a sycamore-fig tree. (Luke 19:4)


Cup Of Life

The children will learn about how much Jesus loves them while they make a cup full of tasty treats to take home.

Descending Dove

A craft where the children can demonstrate how the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, came down upon Jesus when John the Baptist baptized Him.

Giving My Best To Jesus

Children will make their own bottle of “perfume” and give their best to Jesus.

Healing Bracelet

Children will have their own special hospital bracelet displaying Jesus as their healer.

Heart, Soul, Mind, And Strength

A mobile craft to help the children remember the most important commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Mark 12:30)

Jesus Is Alive!

Kids create an egg holder that will remind them of the true meaning of Easter.

Jesus Loves Me - Lace Up

A fun lace up craft that reminds children that Jesus loves them.

Jesus Loves Me This Much

A simple craft to help children remember how much Jesus loves them.

Jesus Pillow

As children drift off to sleep, they think about Jesus. Then in the morning, they thank Him for a new day.

Knock Knock

Children create a working craft to help them understand that they need to open their hearts to Jesus.

Sky Watch Hour

Children make a telescope they can use to pretend to watch for Jesus when He returns in the clouds.

We Are One

A craft activity to teach children that Jesus and God are one.


Birth Of Jesus - Guess What's Missing?

Children learn the Christmas story by playing an interactive guessing game.

Does Jesus Love Me?

A simple, fast-paced, happy game to help kids share the love of Jesus

Follow Jesus

In this version of “Simon Says,” children must carefully watch for Jesus before following any command.

Love Chase

God so loved the world, He sent His only son. We can run, but can't escape God's love.



This three lesson series teaches about how we can give our very best to Jesus in all areas of our lives.

Born In A Manger

The story about the birth of Christ comes alive in this lesson as the children hear, see, and become part of this special event.


Lessons for Easter. You can use these lessons by themselves as stand-alones, or together as a series.

God Gives Us Jesus

This lesson will help children realize that Jesus is God's most precious gift. Jesus came to earth to be with us, teach us, save us, and give us a way to know God in a personal way.


In this series, children discover the joy and wonder of the birth of Jesus, and how they can worship Him as our Lord and Savior.


In this special holiday series, children discover that Easter is a celebration of love, hope, and joy because of Jesus.


Jesus performed many miracles to help people know that He was the Son of God and to put their faith in Him. Lessons in this series cover some of the better-known miracles performed during Jesus' ministry. You can use these lessons by themselves as stand-alones, or together as a series.

Waiting For Jesus

This lesson will help children understand the importance of being ready while waiting for Jesus' return. They will also learn what it means to be patient.


This lesson series will help children know who Jesus really is and why He is worthy of our love and praise.


Egg Parts

An activity to teach children that God is made of three parts called the Trinity.

Good News

Where can you find the best news in the world? You can find it in the Bible, of course.

Grab Your Stuffy

The children will reflect on what they hold dear. Is it Christ?

Love Of The Father

An illustration to show the children the depth of God's love for them.

No Way Across?

Jesus is able to restore the gap that sin created between men and God.


A Friend Indeed

We have a friend indeed, and His name is Jesus Christ. Sung to “Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here.”

All For Jesus

(Audio Available) A song about showing love for Jesus by giving all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Mark 12:30) Sung to “I Surrender All.”

Jesus Has A Friend

A song about King David, friendship, and the friend we have in Jesus. Sung to “The Farmer in the Dell.”

The Thankful One

(Audio Available) A song about one man who came back to thank Jesus and the importance of saying, "Thank you!" Sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians.”


A Young Boy's Donkey

A story about how a young boy's little donkey that went from ordinary to extraordinary because of our Lord Jesus.

Jesus And The Cross

The story about Jesus on trial before Pilate and the events that led to His death on the cross. Taken from Matthew 27:11-44, Mark 15:1-41, Luke 23:1-49, and John 18:28-19:37