Jesus Pillow
As children drift off to sleep, they think about Jesus. Then in the morning, they thank Him for a new day.
TOPICS:Jesus, Protection, Thankfulness MATERIALS:White pillowcase for each child DURATION:Approximately 20 minutes |
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Depending on the age of the children, you may want to draw the pictures on the pillowcase and have them color it in. Older children can do the entire project by themselves. Insert the piece of cardboard into the pillowcase; this will keep the marker from going through to the other side of the pillow. You may want to have the children practice their designs on a blank sheet of paper first.
Give each of the children in your class a pillowcase (and a cardboard insert). On one side, have the children color in or draw a large picture of a smiling sunrise. Around the smiling sunrise, help them write the following words:
"Rise and shine, give God the glory, glory, children of the Lord."
Once complete, flip the pillowcase over and let them color in or draw a picture of a rainbow. Under the rainbow, help the children write the following words:
"Watch over me as I sleep, sweet Lord Jesus."
Each morning when you wake up, turn your pillow over to the side that says "Rise and shine, give God the glory, glory, children of the Lord." This will remind us to give God thanks each day. When you get ready to go to sleep turn the pillow over to the side that says, "Watch over me as I sleep, sweet Lord Jesus." With God watching us, we know that we will have a good night's sleep.