Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Object Talks, Stories, Skits, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
A Judge who freed Isreal from the Midianites, asked God for a sign using a fleece.
As an offering or sacrifice; spiritual gift of giving (See also tithing, sharing)
God's love is unconditional, patient, kind, and forgiving
Living according to God's Will (See also holiness, righteousness, morals)
The good news and story about Jesus Christ (See also witnessing)
Receiving from God something good we do not deserve (See also mercy)
Showing appreciation for something you have received (See also thankfulness)
Selfish desire for material things or power (See also selfishness)
Life changes to become mature in Christ and with spiritual knowledge. (See spiritual growth)
Complaining or showing a poor attitude (See also behavior, attitude)
Directions given from someone who knows what is right (See also leadership)
Developing good habits that honor God
Wife of Elkanah who prayed to God for a son and became the mother of Samuel the Prophet.
Feelings of pleasure or contentment when things are going well (See also contentment, joy)
Stubbornness leading to disobedience or acting contrary to God's Will (See also anger)
Burdens or difficulties that need faith in Jesus to overcome (See also difficulties, burdens, trials)
Making well someone who is ill, through prayer and the power of God
Eternal place where God lives and where His people will go when they die (See also Kingdom of God)
God's help, helping others (See also serving)
Perfect purity in thoughts, deeds and behavior (See also purity, godliness)
Third person of the trinity who lives and works in our hearts and minds (See also counselor)
Being truthful to the point others can trust and respect you; having integrity (See also truthfulness)
Showing respect and proper attitude for someone in an important position, such as parents (See also respect)
Pleasing God by putting Him first and showing Him the respect He deserves for He is Holy (See also fearing God, respect)
Having confidence that you will receive the blessings God has promised (See also doubt, faith)
Being humble in spirit, not proud, not pretending to be important (See also pride)