Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Object Talks, Stories, Skits, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
Anything that takes the place of God in one's life. Worshiping these is idolatry; materialism
God made each of us unique and with a special purpose. (See also peer pressure, worthiness)
Being positively or negatively affected, shaped or tempted by something or someone (See also peer pressure)
Anything that breaks God's laws or commands (See also sin)
Having a reputation for doing what is right (See also character, honesty)
Promised son of Abraham, and father to Jacob and Esau.
Son of Isaac and brother of Esau; father of twelve sons, among them Joseph; later known as Israel.
Son of Zebedee; an apostle of Jesus. Also, the brother of Jesus; writer of the book of James in the New Testament
Unhappiness because of what someone else has. Wanting what isn't yours (See also envy)
The Son of God, the Christ, our Lord and Savior
Job feared God and shunned evil. Satan requested to test Job's faith by afflicting him with many sorrows.
A messenger who prepared the way for the Messiah.
Prophet of Israel who at first resisted God's command to preach to Nineveh.
One of the twelve sons of Jacob, sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Also, Joseph, husband of Mary.
Leader of the Israelites during their settlement of the promised land
Contentment from God even when faced with hardships difficulties (See also happiness)
Being judgmental by putting down the faults of someone else (See also acceptance)
God's punishment or wrath for doing wrong; God's justice (See also wrath)
Use this topical index page for for a list of Activities, Object Talks, Stories, Skits, Crafts, Games and other items to use at any time in your Sunday School class or Bible study.
Fairness, receiving what is deserved (See also fairness, mercy, God's Judgment)
The act of God whereby humankind is made or accounted just, or free from guilt or penalty of sin.