

The Son of God, the Christ, our Lord and Savior

"If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God." 1 John 4:15


Finish The Story

Children will discover how God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, so He could show us the way to salvation.

Jesus And Me

How does a child's life today compare to when Jesus was born? This activity helps kids relate to Jesus.

Missing Piece

People try to fill the empty spot in their hearts with many things.

To Live Is...

Children will think on what it means to live.


Jesus Fills Me Up

An interactive bulletin board to reward the children for attendance, answering questions, good behavior and much more.

Jesus Is...

This bulletin board will help children remember five important things that Jesus is.

Putting Jesus First

Children will enjoy completing this interactive bulletin board/coloring activity and seeing how they can put Jesus first with their words, actions, thoughts, and life.


Fun Foam Fish

A brightly colored, magnetic, foam fish to remind kids of Jesus.

Palm Leaf Cross

Children make a cross from a palm leaf to help remind them of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.


Miracles Of Jesus

Children make a mad dash to match Miracles with Bible verses.



A five lesson series that allows children to discover who Jesus is and how they can have a relationship with Him.

Jesus Calms The Storm

In this lesson, the children will see how Jesus has authority over all things. Nothing is impossible with Him.


Cactus Needles

A cactus has needles to protect the water within, but when we drink of the living water, we have God's protection.

Impossible Reach

We build many things to help us reach difficult places. However, we can only reach Heaven through the love and forgiveness of Jesus.

Jesus Is Here

We must always live our lives remembering that Jesus is right here with us, knowing everything we say and do.

More Than A Gift

God gave us His only Son as a special gift. What do we do with this gift is important.

One Way Or Many?

God tells us there is only one way to get to Heaven.


He Has Risen

(Word Search) Children search for words related to Jesus rising from the dead.

What Can You See?

Find out if the kids can see the name of Jesus and a picture of Him when they close their eyes with these optical puzzles. Also a great object lesson to introduce prayer and quiet time.


Blinding Light

(Audio Available) A song about Saul going to Damascus and how his life changed after seeing the blinding light of Christ. Sung to the tune of, "Itsy Bisty Spider."

Straight Down From Heaven My God Came

(Audio Available) A song about God's perfect gift of salvation for all mankind. Sung to the tune “Up On The Housetop"