Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Object Talks, Stories, Skits, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
Time alone with God for prayer and meditation (See also prayer)
Woman who helped the spies escape from Jericho and who was spared because of her faith; mother of Boaz.
The beautiful, colorful sign given by God to show the promise between Him and the earth.
Being ready, prepared as for Christ's return
To be set free by paying a price as Christ did when He died for us, also kinsman-redeemer
Our relationship with friends, family, and God (See also Family and Friendship)
How others think of me based on what they have seen or heard (See also character)
An attitude of admiration or esteem towards another; honoring parents (See also honor)
Being a trustworthy and responsible child of God (See also dependability)
Coming back to life after being dead, as Jesus did after dying on the cross
When Christ will come again to take the church to heaven
Blessings received from God (See also blessings)
Always thinking and acting in a way pleasing to God (See also Godliness)
A Moabite woman of faith who became a member of Jesus' family line through Boaz.