Children will look up verses describing various kinds of sin, and will remove those sins taped all over a volunteer.
The children will discover that it is easier to move forward spiritually when they get rid of their old bad habits and live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
The children learn the importance of self-reflection and its purpose in repentance.
A craft to help children understand how their hearts can become "beautiful" and acceptable to God.
The children make a craft to remind them that God’s love and mercy is never ending and new every day.
The children will enjoy playing a relay game that helps them understand God’s mercy.
This lesson will teach children that God wants us to act on what we know is right.
In this lesson, children will discover how God called John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Messiah. Children will also learn that God calls them to prepare the way for others to know Jesus.
In this lesson,the children will see the Israelites’ hearts transform when they repent and change their ways. Your students will identify their own sins as well as how to reject sin in their lives.
In this lesson the children will learn that like Saul, we must acknowledge Jesus as our Lord wherever we are, and follow Him wherever He leads us.
Through this lesson children will gain an understanding of God's love for all mankind.
With this lesson the children will have a good idea of what matters in life. The choice between material possessions or relationship will determine how they would want to live their lives, and hopefully, it will make them realize that a life full of materialism cannot fulfill an empty heart.
Children will have fun learning about the phrase “180” and how it applies to our relationship with God.
We use water for many things, and it can be quite refreshing to drink. However, John the Baptist used water in a special way to prepare the way for Jesus.
Even when we try to hide our sins, or pretend they never happened, they have a way of showing up, like buttons in a glass of cola.
(Storybook Available) A raccoon's prideful ego becomes his downfall.
The world will offer us many sinful temptations, which pride will tell us we deserve. In the end, these temptations are nothing more than a trap.
The world will offer us many sinful temptations, which pride will tell us we deserve. In the end, these temptations are nothing more than a trap.
The world will offer us many sinful temptations, which pride will tell us we deserve. In the end, these temptations are nothing more than a trap.