Free From Evil
Children will look up verses describing various kinds of sin, and will remove those sins taped all over a volunteer.
TOPICS:Evil, Healing, Sin, Repentance, Worldliness MATERIALS:24 Index cards DURATION:Approximately 15 minutes |
Before class, prepare 12 index cards with verses and 12 index cards with a description of a sin as follows:
Psalm 81:15 Proverbs 10:4 Proverbs 14:30 Mark 3:29 Luke 12:15 1 Corinthians 10:7 2 Corinthians 12:21 Ephesians 5:18 Philippians 2:3 Colossians 3:8 Colossians 3:9 James 5:12 |
Hate Laziness Envy Blasphemy Greed Idolatry Impurity Drunkenness Selfish Ambition Anger, Rage, and Malice Lying Swearing |
If time permits, begin this activity by reading Mark 5:1-20 (The healing of a demon-possessed man). Have one child pass out an index card with a verse to each child. Have another volunteer stand in the center of the room, and tape the index cards displaying a sin on his or her clothing in various places. The volunteer will have the appearance of one covered in sin. You can instruct the rest of the children to begin looking up their verse, and read it several times. Then one at a time, have the children read their verse aloud, find the referenced sin on the child standing in the center of the room, and rip it off.
Relate to the kids how Jesus can remove all of our sins, no matter how many we have.