

How others think of me based on what they have seen or heard (See also character)

"The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out." Proverbs 10:9


Broken Promises

This activity shows the children a visual effect of broken promises.

Claim To Fame

What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27b

Cover To Cover

Children will enjoy an activity that demonstrates the importance of getting to know someone and the error with faultfinding.

Tell Me No More Lies

In this activity, children will feel the freedom to give their sin to Jesus and turn from their old ways.


Don't Stain Your Reputation

A reputation can be tarnished like a stain on a robe. The way to keep a good reputation is by obeying God in all things.


A Jealous King

After completing this lesson, the children will see how jealousy and pursuing selfish desires can be destructive.

A Reputation Of Being Humble

Children learn that it is best to be humble and honor God, rather than be boastful and act selfishly.

Judging Others

This lesson teaches children that we all need forgiveness and that we should not have a fault-finding attitude toward others.

Making Promises

After completing this lesson, the children will learn the importance of keeping their promises.

Spiritual Character

In this second of three lessons on the Beatitudes, the children will discover that spiritual character goes beyond just being Christians. It means we care about others even more than ourselves.


Sunday school lessons in this series cover four key aspects of Daniel's life: Strength, Courage, Humility, and Faith. Daniel's life is a compass on how Christians can live lives that will be pleasing to God.


Cutting Corners

We should be careful to follow God's standards, so that we do not defile ourselves and ruin our reputation.

Picture Perfect

How can you be a good example of a child of God unless people can clearly see Jesus living in you?


Crummy Teeth

This skit teaches children that we all need forgiveness and that we should not have a fault-finding attitude toward others. (Skit for three.)

David And The Bully

A modern day David and Goliath story that is common in many schools today. This time David boldly claims Jesus against the Goliath of drugs. (Skit for four persons)

Fiery Furnace

A lesson in standing for God no matter what. (Skit for six)

Stained Reputation

This skit will show children how lying can stain their reputation. (A skit for four)