An activity in overcoming life's obstacles.
God answers our prayers without speaking. Can we communicate with each other without speaking?
An activity to demonstrate how friends can affect the way we behave.
Following the rules is very important. We must be careful. Sometimes we overlook the obvious.
Giggles fill the room as children learn an important principle
One child draws an object only from verbal instructions given by another child. This activity shows how reading and studying the Bible can help us understand the Will of God.
Children visit the great outdoors to visualize the size of Noah’s ark.
The children will practice teaching their peers a learned skill.
The children will enjoy making a to do list to see how they can plan their day, but discover that the Lord guides their steps.
This activity will compare warning signs the children see everyday with warnings found in the Bible. Warning signs we see help us be safe, but warning signs from God help us in many more ways.
A whimsical yet truthful picture of how Jesus is the most important leader all of us should follow.
A pleasant and colorful reminder that Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He watches over us, protects us, and in Him we shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)
The children will plan their course and watch as God guides their steps.
This Mother’s Day craft teaches children to honor their parents and obey God.
Children have fun trying to duplicate a pattern of blocks hearing only verbal commands. The unseen Holy Spirit guides us in truth, if only we listen.
The children will have fun walking through a maze and discover that life is better when we allow God to direct our steps.
In this lesson children will see how God can direct the events in our lives to guide us towards what He has called us to accomplish. It is up to us to be obedient, follow the direction God provides and use the abilities that He has given us.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand the importance of developing godly friendships.
Through this lesson children will find that Jesus understands the troubles that we go through and that He will compassionately help us through difficult times.
In this lesson, children learn that God's followers have nothing to fear as God is with those who obey Him. This fact is illustrated as children are introduced to Joshua, the man God appointed as leader of the Israelites after the death of Moses.
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will learn that the Bible can be used to guide us through our time here on Earth.
Through this lesson, children learn that the Bible is reliable and trustworthy. God conveyed His Word through the Holy Spirit directly to the Prophets.
In this lesson, the children will learn that we are to plan our ways and trust the Lord, as He guides our steps according to His perfect will.
Blessed are those who listen to God's instruction.
God's blessings empower us to live our lives to the fullest.
Many things can be stored in backpacks. What do you store in yours, trash or treasure?
(Cross-out) While walking along the path, the Word of the Lord will be our guiding light. (Psalm 119:105)
(Cryptogram) Kids decode the words to find out whom we should be following. Psalm 25:5
(Audio Available) A song about giving our sorrows, fears, and worries to the Lord. Sung to “Jesus Loves Me.”
We can all learn a thing or two from the owner's manual. The Bible is God's owner's manual for life.