In this activity, students will create a silly story about things that can distract us from the true meaning of Christmas.
(Coloring Page) David cuts of a piece of Saul's robe, but to honor God he did not harm the king. (1Samuel 24:11)
In this activity, children learn to distinguish between good and bad excuses.
This Bible research activity shows us how we can give glory to God by putting Jesus first in our lives.
An activity that challenges students to cut out the distractions that can come with celebrating the holidays. They learn to celebrate Jesus as the priority.
When we pray, God does not want us to be like human robots.
God doesn't want us to be terrified of Him, but to respect and honor Him.
An activities chart will help each child see how he or she might spend a whole Saturday. After having fun completing the charts, the kids will be able to see how much time they leave for God.
Randy's week is full of choices. He wants to be honest and live a Godly life. The kids describe in their own words what Randy should do to be an honest person.
Who gets the glory when things go well, you or God?
This bulletin board will remind the kids that they pray to God wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing. Use this bulletin board for lessons on prayer, worship, or walking with God.
A display to remind the children to spend time with God each and every day.
A matching game that teaches children to glorify God.
Children use actions and descriptions to get their teammates to guess what they are doing.
After completing this lesson, the children will realize that they need to give the credit, praise, or glory, to whom it is due, especially to God.
This lesson teaches the importance of remembering God during times of prosperity. Additionally, the kids will learn not to deceive themselves into thinking that it is through their own ingenuity or strength that they have acquired homes, material goods, or money—opportunities, abilities, strengths, and talents come from the Lord, which we should never forget.
After completing this lesson, the children will learn that we should honor God above everything else. God will protect us when we trust and obey Him.
After completing this lesson, the children will see that we should never place our own happiness above the needs of others.
Children learn the importance of giving themselves to the Lord at an early age, and dedicating their lives to honoring God in everything that they do.
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will better understand the use of the word fear in the Bible as it relates to respecting and honoring God. God doesn't want us to be terrified of Him, but we should respect and honor Him.
This lesson teaches that it is important to honor God at all times.
A lesson that teachs children that God works for the good of those who love Him.
This lesson shows how King David displayed his joy and gratitude as he brought the Ark of God back to Jerusalem. His example teaches us that we should be unashamed in expressing praise to our Lord in everything we do.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the innkeeper. We will discuss some of the distractions that can get in the way of focusing on Jesus as we celebrate Christmas. We will provide some practical ways to “make room” for Jesus this Christmas.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the Religious Leaders who were too busy being pious to notice that Jesus had been born. We will talk about the difference between having a head full of knowledge and a heart full of knowledge during the Christmas season.
In this lesson, the children learn that even when thrown into a difficult situation they can still worship and praise the Lord. When they do, God will use them for His glory.
After completing this lesson, the children will have a better understanding of the three persons of God—the Trinity—and more specifically, the loving qualities of God the Father.
We should be careful to follow God's standards, so that we do not defile ourselves and ruin our reputation.
Things this side of Heaven only last so long, including us.
It's the quality that counts, not the quantity.
An Object Talk about good habits and doing the right thing.
A life used by God, is a life worth living.
The choices you make will either help or hinder your ability to accomplish the tasks God gives you.
Children learn that to fear God means to respect Him, not to be terrified of Him.
While many things compete of our time, nothing should come before God.
(Maze) A fun puzzle that will challenge students to recognize some of the distractions that can be demanding during the Christmas season and remind them of the true reason to celebrate Christmas.
(Crossword) All the answers to this crossword puzzle deal with the attributes of God or His interaction with Biblical leaders.
(Word Scramble) Students unscramble the names of the city gates that Nehemiah and his friends repaired.
A skit about three boys who realize through a little humility to give credit to whom the credit is due. (A skit for four persons)
Why should we go to Sunday school? A skit about discipleship. (Skit for four)
A young girl finds a way to use her talent to praise and honor God, while encouraging others to do the same.