

Perfect purity in thoughts, deeds and behavior (See also purity, godliness)

"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord." 
Hebrews 12:14


A Perfect Day

Through contemplating the perfect day, children will gain an understanding of what makes God holy.

Give It Up

Children identify areas in their lives that they need to give up, so they can offer themselves to God as living sacrifices.


Don't Stain Your Reputation

A reputation can be tarnished like a stain on a robe. The way to keep a good reputation is by obeying God in all things.


God Is Holy (Mosaic)

The children will create a mosaic to help them remember God's attributes.

White As Snow

A happy snowman to help the kids learn, "Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow" Isaiah 1:18 (NIRV)


A Living Sacrifice

In this lesson, the children will learn that to be just like Jesus, they must give their whole self to God and become a pleasing offering to Him. As Jesus sacrificed His life for our sins, so that we may have everlasting life, we must also become "Living Sacrifices", holy and pleasing to God.

God Is Holy

This Sunday school lesson will identify God’s holiness as His most prevalent attribute. Children will learn that all of God’s additional attributes exist through and because of His holiness.

God Speaks With Moses

This Sunday school lesson teaches children that God desires to communicate with us and how important it is for us to listen to Him.


Fully Cleansed

It takes more than doing good things to be born again, it takes the cleansing blood of Jesus.

Picture Perfect

How can you be a good example of a child of God unless people can clearly see Jesus living in you?

Pour Me Out

A life used by God, is a life worth living.

Race Of Your Life

The choices you make will either help or hinder your ability to accomplish the tasks God gives you.

Shape Of Sin

An Object Talk to help children see how the only way to be purified of sin is through Jesus.


What Crowns The Righteous?

(Cross-out) Children discover that "blessings" crown the head of the righteous in this special word cross-out puzzle from Proverbs 10:6a.