
God Is Holy (Mosaic)

The children will create a mosaic to help them remember God's attributes.
by Leah Pittsinger


Holiness, Knowing God, Love, Mercy, Sin


Activity page [PDF] Click here
Mosaic pieces [PDF] Click here
Scissors, medium card stock,
Construction paper in various colors
Pencils, crayons, glue, plastic sandwich bags


Approximately 15 minutes

god is holy 


Before class, print an activity page for each child in class on medium card stock. Print the mosaic pieces on different colors of construction paper and then cut the pieces out, ensuring that each child has several different colors from which to choose. Place mosaic pieces of the same color in separate plastic sandwich bags.


Give each child the paper, “God is Holy.” Explain that a mosaic is a colorful and unique work of art that uses small shapes to make a bigger picture. Allow the children to pick their desired colors and glue the shapes to the paper.

Timesaving Option:
Instead of gluing construction paper shapes to the mosaic allow students to color the shapes with markers or crayons.

Increased-Difficulty Option:
Once the shapes are glued or colored onto the mosaic, ask the children to write additional attributes of God on each square or around the mosaic with a pencil, pen, or small tipped marker.