Bible reading is good for the soul.
I delight in your commands because I love them.
Walking the narrow road may not be easy, but the reward is worth it. It leads to eternal life with Jesus.
Children explore the difference between giving into their fleshly desires and acting out of love with mercy and humility.
God empowers us to live for Jesus each and every day.
Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. We should only do what Jesus would do. John 5:19
Children will use current events to see the presence of worldliness and godliness in our daily lives.
The children will create a shield to display godly characteristics.
Children's Sunday school games - Do it for Jesus
A child selected to be king will judge the abilities of the other kids to describe a situation that is pleasing to God. If accepted by the king, they can enter his pretend kingdom.
How well will your team show Godly love? Let the judges decide.
Children will discover how other people can see Jesus living in them, by being good examples of right Christian attitudes and behaviors.
During this three week series children are challenged to live lives that are pure, wise, and honest.
This Sunday school lesson will explain the difference between God’s jealousy and human jealousy. The children will understand why jealousy is one of God’s attributes and one of humanity’s defects.
Children learn the importance of living a godly and righteous life instead of conforming to a sinful world.
This lesson will help the children learn how they can love God and other people by examining the way God loves them and how Jesus showed love while He was on earth.
Through this lesson, children learn that God's divine power provides them with everything they need to live godly lives; thus, they escape the corruption evil desires cause in the world.
Children will choose to walk on the path of righteousness by avoiding ungodly influences and temptations along the way.
Real Christians are as different from fake Christians as real flowers are different from artificial ones.
And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right, 2 Thessalonians 3:13
An object lesson about having control over what others see and hear in you.
How can you be a good example of a child of God unless people can clearly see Jesus living in you?
An Illustration to demonstrate how quickly time passes.
(Cross-out) While walking along the path, the Word of the Lord will be our guiding light. (Psalm 119:105)
(Cross-out) Children discover that "blessings" crown the head of the righteous in this special word cross-out puzzle from Proverbs 10:6a.
Students unscramble words that name seven of the kings and queens found in the Bible.
A school mate discovers it does make a difference how we live and how we act as Christians. (Skit for three.)
(Storybook Available) A lazy but happy horse finds new joy when he remembers to look straight ahead.
We have been given the precious gift of time, we can't afford to waste it.