
Holy Spirit

Third person of the trinity who lives and works in our hearts and minds; Holy Ghost (See also Counselor)

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13


Adventures In Trust

An activity in overcoming life's obstacles.

Answers Without Speaking

God answers our prayers without speaking. Can we communicate with each other without speaking?

Comic Strip Story: Pentecost

The children will create a comic style summary of a Bible story about Pentecost.

Guide Me

One child draws an object only from verbal instructions given by another child. This activity shows how reading and studying the Bible can help us understand the Will of God.

Holy Balloon

A person who is not filled with the Holy Spirit is like a deflated balloon: lifeless, limp and not much fun.

Lunch Sack Surprise

The children will participate in an activity concerning the contents of our hearts.

Mini Roles Of Obedience

What would you say to someone who wants you to join him or her in doing the wrong thing?

My Fruit

This activity will show that each of us is known by the type of fruit that we produce.

Power Source

There are many different sources of power in the world today; what is your power source?

Self-Reflection And Repentance

The children learn the importance of self-reflection and its purpose in repentance.

Spiritual Gift Wrap

The children will wrap special gifts to discover the Spirit’s presence.

Spiritual Pruning

An activity to teach children that God prunes us and cuts things out of our lives so that our lives will produce more fruit for Him.

Spiritual Weight-Lifting

The children will learn that spiritual strength is given by the Holy Spirit.

Teach Me!

The children will practice teaching their peers a learned skill.

The Mind Of Christ

The children will choose words that reflect having the mind of Christ.

What Can I Hear?

An activity to show that we hear many things with our ears, but we can also hear the voice of God when we listen with our hearts.


My Spirit-Filled Heart

The children will fill their “hearts” with the Spirit.

Tongues Of Fire

The children create a craft to learn about the Holy Spirit’s coming at Pentecost.


Bible Superheroes

The children will race to dress as superheroes while carrying a Bible.

Guided In Truth

Children have fun trying to duplicate a pattern of blocks hearing only verbal commands. The unseen Holy Spirit guides us in truth, if only we listen.

Inside-Out Race

The children will turn clothing items inside-out while learning to obey the Holy Spirit.

Listen Carefully

Can you recognize the voice of God? A fun game to see how well you can listen for the master's voice and know the Will of God.

Pop The Fruit

This noisy and lively game will help the children learn the nine attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit.

Quick Change Artist

A game of fashion, speed, and spiritual renewal.

The Promised Helper Race

The children will race to separate true and false statements regarding the Promised Helper.

Voice Of God

A game that shows how we can have confidence that God is talking to us through His Scriptures.



This lesson series teaches children the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit and how to apply them to their lives.


A five week lesson series on the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Promises A Helper

This lesson teaches children that the Holy Spirit helps us live like Christ.


The promised Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit Empowers Us

The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to obey God.

The Holy Spirit Lives In Us

The Holy Spirit lives in us when we become believers.

The Holy Spirit Teaches Us

The Holy Spirit teaches us about God and how to live a holy life.

The Inspired Word Of God

After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will learn that that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

The Lord Calls Samuel

Children will discover that by listening carefully, they can hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit.

We Can Obey Jesus

After completing this lesson, the children will learn that we can obey Jesus, because He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us recognize the truth.

Who Is The Holy Spirit

After completing this lesson, the children will have a better understanding of the three persons of God, the Trinity, and specifically the third person of God, the Holy Spirit (or the Holy Ghost).


A Heart For Jesus

The Holy Spirit can reach our heart no matter how much we may have sinned.

Bear Good Fruit

The children will identify godly people from ungodly people by the type of fruit each group bears.

Can You Do A 180?

Children will have fun learning about the phrase “180” and how it applies to our relationship with God.


Using the proper tools empowers us both physically and spiritually.

Fan The Flame

We should have a burning passion to let others see Jesus alive in us, but sometimes we need to fan the flame.

God's Forgiveness

This Object Talk demonstrates the power of God's forgiveness of our sins through Christ, and how the Holy Spirit can melt away the barriers that keeps us from Him.

Holy Spirit Power

With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do great things for the kingdom of God, but without it we are powerless.

Life's Filter

The world around us may be polluted, but God gives us the means to remove these impurities.

Never Runs Out

The power of the Holy Spirit is an everlasting gift that never runs out.

Power Of Prayer

When God is with us, who can be against us?

Soar For God

When we have faith and follow the Holy Spirit, we will soar as high as a kite for God.

Wash Away Sin

No matter how much we have sinned, Jesus can wash all our sins away.

What Can I Hear?

If we listen carefully we can hear God's small still voice in a big way.


A Promised Helper

(Word Search) The children will complete a word search that teaches about Jesus’ promised helper.

Pentecost Word Scramble

(Word Scramble) The children will unscramble the words pertaining to Pentecost found in Acts 2.

The Holy Spirit

(Crossword) The children will complete a puzzle to learn about the Holy Spirit.