The children will identify ways to do good for others.
Children unscramble words to complete sentences that describe ways they can care for others. These are then added to a care package.
The children will enjoy helping the less fortunate while they prepare care bags for the homeless.
The children will discover free ways to help others by reading scripture verses.
(Coloring Page) Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Luke 10:25-37)
God's Word tells us to remember to do good, to share what we have, and to look after the needs of others.
The children will identify actions that “unlock” hearts for the Lord.
The children will identify ways to help others with specific needs.
The children will act out scenarios to practice being protective helpers.
Many verses in the Bible can help people with a particular problem or fear in their lives. Kids will decide which verse is best suited for six different situations.
What may be impossible for one person to do is possible when believers give together. This activity shows the importance of teamwork.
Children search for letters to decipher the answer to the question, "Who hid the spies?"
The world can be a lonely place; wouldn't it be nice if each of us cared for one another?
A craft to show how God provides for those He loves in special ways.
Children complete a special Father’s day craft to honor their fathers, grandfathers, or other male role models in their lives.
The children will identify God’s rewards for obedience.
The children will create a summary to recount Joseph of Arimathea’s service to Jesus.
Not only a craft, but also a thoughtful gift for someone special. Easy to assemble but packed with love and kindness.
Children create a colorful grain silo to demonstrate the seven good years and seven bad years during the time of Joseph.
When finished, this craft becomes a game students can play with friends.
The children will have fun as they learn about poverty, greed, and giving while playing a game.
Helpers are willing to protect others from harm.
After completing this lesson, the children will see that we should never place our own happiness above the needs of others.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the importance of honoring their word and following through in obedience even when they do not feel like it.
This lesson will help the children learn what it means to store up treasures in Heaven, where they will last forever, instead of on earth where they will soon disappear.
Children learn that when they choose to follow God's Will, especially during times of difficulty or hardship, they build character, and the ability to serve the Lord even more.
God’s servants are willing to help others even when faced with a tough or challenging circumstance.
In this lesson, children will learn about a woman named Rahab. The students will see how Rahab's decision to help God's people saved her life and the life of her family.
In this lesson, the children will discover that the people in Jerusalem needed to recognize the state of their hearts by seeing their actions were not lined up with God’s Word.
Children learn that God’s helpers remain faithful, even during difficult times.
Children learn that God’s helpers will receive His rewards.
Through this lesson, children will learn that at times we may have to make sacrifices in our own lives in order to help others. Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Through this lesson children will learn that there are a lot of ways that children can help others in the community, whether it be at home, school or church.
We are the light of the world, but what kind of light are we?
This Object talk shows how God provides for all people, wealthy or poor.
Let your light shine and shine and shine.
Without Jesus, even some of the simplest things in life become quite difficult.
(Word Fill-in) The children will use their bibles to discover a secret message about helping others.
A skit about three boys who realize through a little humility to give credit to whom the credit is due. (A skit for four persons)
Here’s a silly twist on the story of "The parable of the Two Sons" found in Matthew 21:28-30.
Children act out the story of the Bible character, Tabitha.