

Materials not used in a lesson or lesson series


David Spares King Saul's Life

(Coloring Page) David cuts of a piece of Saul's robe, but to honor God he did not harm the king. (1Samuel 24:11)

Fishers Of Men

(Coloring Page) Jesus called Peter and Andrew saying, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Free From Evil

Children will look up verses describing various kinds of sin, and will remove those sins taped all over a volunteer.

History Mystery - Old Testament

Children will place events in chronological order based on when they occurred in the Bible.

Lying In A Manger

(Coloring page) A Christmas scene of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus lying in a manger. (Luke 2:12)

Paul's Friends Help Him Escape

(Coloring Page) Paul's friends help him escape harm by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)


Great Bible Adventures

An exciting visual display that opens the pages of scripture to young minds.

Heavenly Steps To Salvation

Take the children along a heavenly path to salvation by starting with hearing the Word of God and ending with living a new life for Jesus.

Jesus Fills Me Up

An interactive bulletin board to reward the children for attendance, answering questions, good behavior and much more.

Make Time For God

A display to remind the children to spend time with God each and every day.

Now Boarding

Don't wait until it is too late! A bulletin board to help children understand the urgency of receiving God's gift of Salvation.

Out Of This World

Children will begin to see the vastness of how wonderful Jesus is with this display.


A Special Card From God

Curiosity is explored in this fun Valentine project involving God’s word.

Be Thankful

Kids make a beautiful flower to remind them to be thankful for all God does.

Healthy Flower

This craft encourages attendance, class participation, evangelism, and good behavior.

Hearts Of Joy And Love

Children create an attractive card using hearts to bring a cheerful message of joy and love for Valentine's Day or other special occasions

Miracle Book

An awesome reminder that God performs many miracles, and He is amazing!

Picture It All For Jesus

Kids use items from home to make a personalized three-dimensional picture that will help remind them how to live for Jesus.

Samaritan Woman At The Well

Children relate this familiar Bible story to how we are all different and special because God made us in His image.

Shepherd's Table

Children use yummy treats to prepare a table as it says in Psalm 23:5, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."

Spit Out Jonah

Kids create a fun beach scene that includes a whale spiting out Jonah and a few other things.

Tin Man

Creativity flourishes with this craft that has endless applications.

Verse Pennant

An excellent Bible craft kids can use to remember their favorite verse from the Bible.

White As Snow

A happy snowman to help the kids learn, "Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow" Isaiah 1:18 (NIRV)


Battle Of Knowledge

A review game of wits, skill and good aim.

Bible Character Tag

A fun fast paced game, that builds memorization skills.

Bible Crumple Up

Children race to crumple/uncrumple answers of Bible locations.

Bible Jeopardy

A lively review game similar to the Jeopardy Game Show on television.

Bible Trivia

Here are some true or false questions of moderate difficulty to use for playing many Bible trivia games.

Character Chase

Fast paced action as children chase the names of Bible characters

Christians Quest 2 - The Apostles

The second game in the series, designed to challenge the children's knowledge of the twelve Apostles.

Classmate Christmas Bingo

A fun game to help the kids discover how their classmates celebrate the Christmas holidays.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Fun for kids of all ages, where recognizing the three persons of the trinity keeps you in the game.

Hippity Hop

An active group game that helps children learn the books of the Bible.

Lured To Learn

Jesus chose His disciples and made them fishers of men. We too can become fishers of men for Jesus.

Miracles Of Jesus

Children make a mad dash to match Miracles with Bible verses.

Seeing Stars

Children have fun collecting bright shining stars while learning how they too can shine for Jesus.

Team Bible Dribble

Children swiftly dribble balls to solve Bible book names.

The Great Book Challenge

If you win this game, the prize is sweeter than candy.

The Narrow Road

According to Jesus there is a narrow road that leads to life, but only few enter through its gate.

The Square-off

A tricky and competitive challenge to help the children review what they have learned.



Highly annoying, but great at getting our attention, alarms play an important role in keeping us safe.

Become All Things

To reach everyone for Jesus, we must become all things. (1 Corinthians 9:22)

Biblical Addresses

It is easy to find scripture verses once you know their Biblical addresses.

Can't Be Earned

Salvation is a free gift and can’t be earned. No matter how hard we try, our own efforts are useless.

Don't Sin

The burden of sin makes it hard to walk the narrow path.

Fully Cleansed

It takes more than doing good things to be born again, it takes the cleansing blood of Jesus.

Get Unfrozen

A cool object lesson about how some Christians freeze up when it comes to witnessing.

Hope In A Box

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

How Much Does Sin Weigh?

God’s Law shows us how truly we fall short of His glory.

Impossible Reach

We build many things to help us reach difficult places. However, we can only reach Heaven through the love and forgiveness of Jesus.

Living Invitations

Children love to get invitations to birthday parties. This object talk teaches that God wants us to be living invitations.

More Than A Gift

God gave us His only Son as a special gift. What do we do with this gift is important.

Perfect Mix

Are you made with the right stuff? With Jesus, we are the perfect mix.

Power Of Prayer

When God is with us, who can be against us?

Race Of Your Life

The choices you make will either help or hinder your ability to accomplish the tasks God gives you.


Jesus makes gems out of wrecks.

Snatch The Stone

It is comforting to know we can trust God to keep us safe.

The Big Picture

God is orchestrating beautiful and complex things all around us.

The Long And Short Of It

How long is your power cord? Do you have what it takes to tap into God's power?

Treasure Box

The more time you spend reading the Bible the more treasures you will find.

Weight Of Sin

The weight of sin is a heavy burden indeed.

What Are You Growing?

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7

What Do You See?

There is no end to the treasures that can be found in the Bible, God will always provide new insights when we have the right attitude.


God The Father

(Crossword) All the answers to this crossword puzzle deal with the attributes of God or His interaction with Biblical leaders.

The Last Supper

(Crossword) Children discover things they might have seen or heard had they been present during the Lord's Supper.


Fix It

A mini skit that introduces the children to Nehemiah's mission from God. (Skit for two.)


If we don't care about those who are lost, who will? (Skit for three persons)


Jesus didn't tell us, "Go therefore into all the world and collect a bunch of stuff." (Skit for three)

The Christmas Gift

Sometimes the best Christmas gift is receiving the Gift of Jesus (A skit for five)

The Crooked Tree

A moving skit about how one crooked tree was blessed on Christmas day. (Skit for six:

Time For Commandments

A humorous skit about a little girl and her dog learning the Ten Commandments. (Skit for five)

To Be Kind Or Not To Be Kind

A skit about two kings, one kind the other mean, and the consequences of how they rule. (Skit for twelve or more)

What Is Christmas?

The true celebration of Christmas is when we welcome the everlasting gift of God's own Son. (A skit for four)

Why Go?

Why should we go to Sunday school? A skit about discipleship. (Skit for four)


David And Goliath

(Audio Available) A song about the power of God found in David as he faced the fearless giant named Goliath. Sung to the tune “The Ants Go Marching.”

Early Sunday Morning

(Audio Available) A delightful song to help us follow Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians.”

Little-Bitty Church

God's love makes all the difference. Sung to the tune of “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”

Mighty Men

This song about some mighty men of the Bible will soon become a favorite Sung to the march “Seventy Six Trombones.”

Putting Jesus First

(Audio Available) A song about putting Jesus first in thoughts, words, and actions. Sung to the tune, "Are You Sleeping?"

Right Attitudes

(Audio Available) A simple song to promote having the right attitudes. Sung to tune of "Oh Where, oh where has my little Dog Gone?"

Straight Down From Heaven My God Came

(Audio Available) A song about God's perfect gift of salvation for all mankind. Sung to the tune “Up On The Housetop"

Ten Commandments Rap

This clever song will help the children learn the Ten Commandments, and can be sung to a variety of rap beats.


At The Carnival

(Storybook Available) Follow the great adventure one family had at "The Carnival."

The Crooked Tree - A Christmas Story

A moving story about how one crooked tree was blessed on Christmas Day.


A Friend For Beetle

Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.

At The Carnival

Follow the great adventure one family had at "The Carnival."

Don't Get Hooked!

A young fish finds that sin comes with a high price!

The Mouse That Prayed

Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.


At The Carnival

Follow the great adventure one family had at "The Carnival."

Don't Get Hooked!

A young fish finds that sin comes with a high price!


A Friend For Beetle

Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.

At The Carnival

Follow the great adventure one family had at "The Carnival."

Don't Get Hooked!

A young fish finds that sin comes with a high price!

The Mouse That Prayed

Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.