Healthy Flower
This craft encourages attendance, class participation, evangelism, and good behavior.
TOPICS:Behavior, Evangelism, Witnessing, Teaching aids MATERIALS:Colored construction paper DURATION:A few minutes each day |
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Use the template to cut out enough flower pots and plant stems to start one plant for each child. Also, cut out plenty of leaves and flowers of different colors ahead of time, or have the children help with this part during class.
Instead of an attendance chart, this craft and fun activity encourages children to attend class, ask their friends to come to church, helps with behavior and promotes memory work. All this in one activity? Wow!
Here's how it works, each child receives a piece of construction paper cut out in the shape of a flowerpot, and one cut in the shape of a stem (see template). The child writes his or her name on the flowerpot and tapes (or sticky tack) the pot to the wall. Each week the child attends, give him or her a construction paper flower to attach to his or her flowerpot. If a child invites a friend that week, he or she gets an additional construction paper flower. If the child has demonstrated good behavior throughout the class, he or she receives a construction paper leaf to attach to the flower stems. Children also receive leafs for completing memory work.
Explain to the children that they are also cultivating their spiritual lives by attending and participating in class, inviting friends and doing their memory work.
This activity can easily be adapted and used with other themes and/or seasons. In the fall you may use a tree with many different colored leaves. Noah and the Ark could be used as a theme with children adding the animals. Be creative and adjust this activity to something your class would enjoy!