

Helping others for the sake of Jesus; Serving others; Servant hood (See also Helping)

"I searched for love; I searched in country and in town; I wept because I could not find love anywhere around!
"But when I searched to serve my neighbor, sick and poor, Lo! there stood Love the Beautiful, And knocking at my door!" Cushman


A Plentiful Harvest

The children will help one another harvest the wheat.

Always Do Good

The children will identify ways to do good for others.

At Your Service

Children will learn that God wants us to serve Him wholeheartedly. Children will also learn about different ways in which they can serve the Lord.

Be Prepared For Opposition

Children enjoy a fun activity while learning how to prepare for opposition.

Care Package

Children unscramble words to complete sentences that describe ways they can care for others. These are then added to a care package.

Care Package For The Homeless

The children will enjoy helping the less fortunate while they prepare care bags for the homeless.

Comic Strip Story: Abigail Saves The Day

The children will create a comic style summary of a Bible story of how Abigail saves the day.

Community Outreach Project

A community outreach program will benefit the community, students and church as a whole.

Defend The Innocent

The children will perform an activity to learn how to defend the innocent.

Different Rooms

Everyone is called to serve within the Church using whatever gifts we have, "For we are God's fellow workers." 1 Corinthians 3:9a

Free To Help

The children will discover free ways to help others by reading scripture verses.

Give It Up

Children identify areas in their lives that they need to give up, so they can offer themselves to God as living sacrifices.

Good Samaritan

(Coloring Page) Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Luke 10:25-37)

Helper Keys

The children will identify actions that “unlock” hearts for the Lord.

Helper Pizza

The children will identify ways to help others with specific needs.

I Will Follow God

In this activity, children will list ways in which they will follow God and then discuss why it is important to remain spiritually active.

Imagine How Humble

Children learn about humility by imagining Jesus doing something very special.

My Own Helper Word Search

The children will create their own word search about helping others.

Nehemiah’s Profile

The children will review Nehemiah’s different character traits and attributes.

Number One Team Signature

Kids write in their names to show that they are members of a number one team—Team Jesus.

Serve God With Your Whole Body

(Coloring Activity) Children use their coloring skills while showing how they can use the different parts of their bodies to serve God.

Serve Like Jesus

This activity will help children remember to serve others in humility, just as Jesus did.

Special Gifts Tour

A guided tour to find Spiritual Gifts and how they build up the Body of Christ, the Church.

Spiritual Gift Match

Kids match the names of Spiritual Gifts with different activities shown in pictures.

Stand Up For What's Right

The children will create a self-portrait while considering how to stand up for what’s right.

The Cost Of Serving

Children identify with John the Baptist, the disciples, and many others who gave up everything to serve Christ.

Who Is The Greatest?

In this activity, children will think about who God considers the greatest.

Who Would Be A Good Leader?

The children will think critically about what is required to be a good leader.

You Helped Me

The world can be a lonely place; wouldn't it be nice if each of us cared for one another?


Perfect Gifts

All Spiritual Gifts are given to us from God, for the building up of the Church. This bulletin board shows how each gift is precious.

Work Of His Hands

God makes us different for a reason. We all have a purpose. As Jeremiah discovered while observing the potter as he made clay vessels, God can use us in any way He chooses. We are His children, and He is our Lord. (Jeremiah 18:1-10)


Classroom Advice Wreath

The children will create a group craft that encourages giving good advice.

Consider The Birds

A craft to show how God provides for those He loves in special ways.

God's Reward

The children will identify God’s rewards for obedience.

Joseph Helps Jesus

The children will create a summary to recount Joseph of Arimathea’s service to Jesus.

Step Up And Help

The children will create a craft about bravely choosing to help others.


Do It For Jesus

Children's Sunday school games - Do it for Jesus

Help The Missionaries

Teams compete to see whose missionary will be able to build a church first.

Live To Serve

Two teams are challenged to come up with different ways they can live to serve Jesus

Love Charades

The children will play a game to remind them to show God’s love.

Serve The One True God

Children will have fun learning about different ways to serve God.


A Humble Servant

After completing this lesson, the children will learn what it means to be humble, in the same way Jesus was humble.

Be A Good Example

Children will discover how other people can see Jesus living in them, by being good examples of right Christian attitudes and behaviors.

How Do We Serve The One?

This lesson, will teach children how to serve the one true God by worshipping Him only. This lesson also explains that knowing His Word helps us resist temptation.


Children learn that giving good advice is a great way to be a helper.

Joseph Helps Pharaoh

Children learn that when they choose to follow God's Will, especially during times of difficulty or hardship, they build character, and the ability to serve the Lord even more.

Joseph Of Arimathea

God’s servants are willing to help others even when faced with a tough or challenging circumstance.


This lesson will teach children that God wants us to act on what we know is right.

Living For God

Through this lesson, children will learn how God wants us to interact with fellow believers, as the end draws near.


God’s helpers are willing to stand up for others.

Repent And Turn

In this lesson,the children will see the Israelites’ hearts transform when they repent and change their ways. Your students will identify their own sins as well as how to reject sin in their lives.

Restoration Complete

In this lesson, the children learn that Nehemiah let neither opposition nor mockers stand in his way of repairing the walls around Jerusalem.

Shine Brighter

In this lesson, the children will examine their actions and discover how to shine brighter for Jesus.


Children learn that God’s helpers remain faithful, even during difficult times.


Children learn that God’s helpers will receive His rewards.

The Cost Of Serving Jesus

In this lesson, children will learn the cost John the Baptist paid to serve Christ. Students will also learn what it means for us to deny ourselves and take up our crosses.

The Cup Of God's Wrath

After completing this lesson, the children will be challenged to live sacrificially by demonstrating Jesus' love to those around them.

The Good Samaritan

Through this lesson, children will learn that at times we may have to make sacrifices in our own lives in order to help others. Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves.


This three week series teaches children that they have been wonderfully created by God and given both physical and spiritual gifts which we should use to glorify Him.

Who Is The One?

In this lesson, children learn that they serve the one true God, and He is three in one--God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They also learn about their role as members of God's Mighty Army.


Lighting Up The World

A short illustration about lighting up the world, one match at a time.

Many Parts, One Body

In order for something to operate correctly, all parts perform important functions. Every Christian is important too, because they are all part of one body: the Church.

Serving God

You are never too young or too old, the reward is the same.

Value Others Above Yourself

The children will discover how to apply God’s Word through an object talk to prefer others over themselves.


Hannah Dedicates Samuel To The Lord

(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of planets, colors of the rainbow, and names of animals to reveal why Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to the Lord.

Jesus Was Humble

(Word Search) Jesus was humble, and he shows us how to become humble servants with words found in John 13: 1-17

Me And My House

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 25:15b) This verse is written on a Tangram, an ancient baffling puzzle kids can solve.

Nehemiah Repairs The Walls

(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story of Nehemiah, who let neither opposition nor mockers stand in his way of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls for God.

Nehemiah's Jerusalem

(Word Scramble) Students unscramble the names of the city gates that Nehemiah and his friends repaired.

No Gift Is Too Small

(Word Search) Even as children, we can give to the church in many meaningful ways to help the body of Christ grow.

Perfect Gifts

(Cross-out) After crossing out certain words, a message from James 1:17 is revealed about perfect gifts coming from the Father.

Secret Message: Joseph Of Arimathea

(Word Fill-in) The children will use their bibles to discover a secret message about helping others.

Silas Is A Helper

(Crossword) The children will identify key words about Silas’ service to the Lord.


Defending God

A skit about David and Goliath that teaches children that it is important to know God and to serve only Him. (Skit for up to four)

Joy Of Sacrifice

Part 4: Sofia discovers the joy of serving food to others, after some confusion about who will enjoy the meal. (A skit for three)

The Crooked Tree

A moving skit about how one crooked tree was blessed on Christmas day. (Skit for six:

The Tempter Verses Jesus

A skit that teaches children it is important to resist temptation by knowing God’s Word and serving Him only.


Mighty Men

This song about some mighty men of the Bible will soon become a favorite Sung to the march “Seventy Six Trombones.”


The Lazy Soldier

Even the best soldiers, if not careful, can get caught up in the wrong things.