Love Charades
The children will play a game to remind them to show God’s love.
by Leah Pittsinger
TOPICS:Humility, Love, Service MATERIALS:Index cards (10-20) with prompts DURATION:Approximately 15 minutes |
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Write prompts on each index card (each prompt should be an example of how the children can show God’s love to others). If desired, you may use some or all of the following prompts:
1. Pray for a friend.
2. Sweep the floor.
3. Feed the hungry.
4. Give money to the poor.
5. Write thank-you letters.
6. Hug someone.
7. Read the Bible to someone.
8. Hold the door open.
9. Set the table for dinner.
10. Rake your neighbor’s leaves.
Split the children into two groups. Explain to the class that this game involves acting out the clues on the cards to their teams (one at a time) without making any sounds. Tell the children that each clue is an example of a loving action. Each person will have one minute to act out his or her chosen card. However, the other team will receive a chance to guess the clue if the actor’s team is unsuccessful. Each correctly guessed clue receives one point. Allow each child to have at least one turn acting out a clue.
Conclude by emphasizing that showing God’s love to others is extremely important if we want them to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Serving others in love isn’t necessarily difficult, but we must ask God to help us become more humble, kind-hearted, and sacrificial so others will be drawn to Him through our actions.