
Story Telling

Story telling is a great way to teach the children about Jesus without spending a lot of money on supplies. Here are some great ideas to give your stories a lasting and positive impact on the children.

Jokes And Riddles

Just for a little fun, here are some clean wholesome jokes and riddles to enjoy. Do you have a favorite joke or riddle? Feel free to share it with us.

Little People Puppet Stage

A delightful craft that allows kids to reenact Bible stories.

My Special Place

Give younger children an exciting and special place to sit for discussion or story time. - Preschool

Stick Puppets

Stick puppets can be used for many short skits or role plays. Instead of the kids reading their parts, let them act them out with these simple but exciting puppets.

Story Telling Tips

Story telling is an old age art that most any one can do. To become a really good story teller takes practice. These tips will help you become a better story teller.

Storybooks (Gradeschool)

Kids of all ages enjoy stories with vivid illustrations. These storybooks also have a spiritual application your students will remember for a long time.

Storybooks (Preschool)

With a simple but important message, these storybooks are great for younger children. Colorful illustrations keep the kids engaged as you read.