Storybooks (Preschool)
With a simple but important message, these storybooks are great for younger children. Colorful illustrations keep the kids engaged as you read. Take your laptop to class and enjoy the experence with your students.
A Friend For Beetle
Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.
A Man Who Could Not Move
A paralized man is able to see Jesus with a little help from his friends.
A Not So Silent Night
A short Christmas story about the night Jesus was born, which was not silent at all.
Fat Fat Elephant
Many times we ask God to give us things that we may not really need. In this delightful story, a small elephant becomes too big for his friends
Giant Fears
A little boy defeats the monsters in his closet with God's love.
Oh, Be Careful Little Tongue
A young girl learns to be careful with what she says, so her friends won't be hurt by her words.
The Mouse That Prayed
Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.
The Three Legged Fox
A fictional story near the time of creation about a small fox who had big faith in God.