

A key aspect of presenting meaningful Sunday school lessons is to be prepared, both physically and spiritually. Teachers should be familiar with the lesson materials before Sunday morning, and spend time in prayer for each student.

Biblical Time Travel

(Preschool) Children love to pretend. This fun, make-believe activity prepares the children for today’s Bible lesson.

Craft Hints

Helpful ideas to keep craft making fun and hassle free.

Materials And Supplies (What To Have On Hand)

Here is a great checklist of items to have readily on hand to avoid last-minute shopping.

Prayer Suggestions

Helpful tips on classroom prayer.

Project Plans For Sunday School?

Results are predictably better when you have planned for the task at hand.

Simple Recipes

Here are a few simple recipes for making Play-dough, papier-mâché, and white glue to use with crafts.

Survival Pack

Substitute teacher survival pack: Do not leave the classroom without it.

Time Flies

A useful chart to keep track of what's been covered during the year.

Treasure Hunt

A fun game that can be used for many different lessons.