

To give praise, honor, and respect to God (See also praise)

"Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2


Biblical Tapestries

Help your lesson or story come alive with a beautiful wall tapestry.

I Will Praise The Lord

Kids will make a daily reminder to help them know the Lord is worthy of praise.

Who Gets The Glory?

Who gets the glory when things go well, you or God?


I Can Pray To God

This bulletin board will remind the kids that they pray to God wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing. Use this bulletin board for lessons on prayer, worship, or walking with God.

Make Time For God

A display to remind the children to spend time with God each and every day.


Hairy Heart

A wacky air freshener craft to remind the children how their love for Jesus is like sweet smelling fragrance.


How Do We Serve The One?

This lesson, will teach children how to serve the one true God by worshipping Him only. This lesson also explains that knowing His Word helps us resist temptation.

The Dancing King

This lesson shows how King David displayed his joy and gratitude as he brought the Ark of God back to Jerusalem. His example teaches us that we should be unashamed in expressing praise to our Lord in everything we do.

The Gift Of Christmas

After finishing this lesson, children will realize that Christmas is a time in which we should celebrate the birth of Jesus and worship Him.

The Triumphal Entry Of Jesus

After completing this Easter lesson, the children will discover that Jesus deserves our worship and praise because of who He is and what He came to earth to do for us.

Thrown Into Prison

In this lesson, the children learn that even when thrown into a difficult situation they can still worship and praise the Lord. When they do, God will use them for His glory.

Visit Of The Magi

This Christmas lesson teaches children that it is natural and expected to worship Jesus. Wise men and women throughout the ages have made Jesus their Lord and Savior.

We Can Love And Adore Jesus

From this lesson the kids will see how they can truly show their love and adoration for Jesus, through worship, praise and by loving others.

Wise Men Seek Jesus

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Wisemen. We will focus on the example they set for us in seeking Jesus with all that they had in order to worship Him fully.

Worship Only God (Golden Calf)

After completing this lesson, the children will understand how much God wants them to worship Him, and Him alone.


In Awe Of God

We stand in awe of God. His greatness no one can fathom.

Love Without End

A simple Object Talk to show how much God desires our love and adoration, all throughout our lives.


Blessed Is He

(Word Fill-in) Children find key words from the story about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Leave Her Alone

(Crossword) A puzzle about the story of Mary when she poured perfume onto Jesus' feet and then wiped them with her hair.

Paul And Silas In Prison

(Word Search) Kids search for words from the story about Paul and Silas when they continued to glorify God and share the Good News of Jesus while in prison. (Acts 16:16-30)


One Boy's Donkey

A skit about how a boy's young donkey went from ordinary to extraordinary because of our Lord Jesus. (Skit for three - four)


Lions' Den Rap

A classic story set to a modern beat the children can create on their own.


I Can Praise Him With The Dance

A young girl finds a way to use her talent to praise and honor God, while encouraging others to do the same.