

The ability to apply spiritual knowledge and experience in different situations (See also discernment, knowledge)

"For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 8:11


Do Friends Matter?

Bad company corrupts good character, so choose your friends wisely

Funny Face

Giggles fill the room as children learn an important principle

God Is All Knowing

A fun challenge that reveals God's omniscience.

Gold Rush

Wisdom is like a precious coin. Look for it as you would a hidden treasure.

Lazy Or Wise Ways?

A challenging activity illustrating the consequences of laziness.

Teach Me!

The children will practice teaching their peers a learned skill.

True Friends

Sometimes it can be hard to know who our true friends are. Thankfully, the Bible gives us some guidelines.

Wise Sayings

Kids try to identify wise sayings from the Bible and from secular sources.


Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.


Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Kids will make a bookmark to remember the five steps to having God's Word become a part of their life.

Listening Ears

Giggles abound with this craft showing it is important to listen to God.


Wisdom Seeker

Wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her (Proverbs 8:11).

Wise Or Not-So-Wise?

Children run to demonstrate their knowledge of wisdom as described in James 3:17.


A Mother's Obedience

In this lesson, the children will learn about a mother’s obedience, faith, and belief in God. When she shared the little she had, she was given more than she could ever expect.

A Very Wise King

After completing this lesson, children will learn that true wisdom comes only from God, and when they ask for wisdom and knowledge to know God's will, He will freely give it.

Becoming Wise

After completing this lesson, the children will realize that there are two types of wisdom. In the end they will realize the importance of choosing God’s wisdom.

Jesus Promises A Helper

This lesson teaches children that the Holy Spirit helps us live like Christ.

Source For Wisdom

After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will learn that the Bible is our source for heavenly wisdom. Hearing, reading, studying, memorizing and meditating on the Word of God will help us live a good life that is pleasing to God.

The Holy Spirit Teaches Us

The Holy Spirit teaches us about God and how to live a holy life.

The Ten Virgins

This lesson teaches the importance of spiritual activity and self-examination.

The Wise And Foolish Builders

Through this lesson, children will learn that when Jesus is our Lord, we follow His teachings and will do what He tells us.


After completing this lesson, the children will be challenged to choose to seek God’s wisdom. They will realize that it will not be easy to become wise but well worth it.


The book of Proverbs is rich in Godly wisdom, commands, discipline and insight. Those who put it's words into practice are on their way to living lives that will please God.

Wise Men Seek Jesus

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Wisemen. We will focus on the example they set for us in seeking Jesus with all that they had in order to worship Him fully.


Soak It In

Someone with a soft heart will soak up the Word of God. On the other hand, the Word of God rolls right off someone with a hardened heart.

What Do You See?

There is no end to the treasures that can be found in the Bible, God will always provide new insights when we have the right attitude.

Wise Builder

This Object Talk will show why it is important to build on a solid foundation to weather life's storms. That foundation is the Word of God.


Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.


God Knows Everything

(Word Search) God knows the secrets of our hearts, our thoughts, how we were made; He knows everything. In this word search, children find words from key verses about God's knowledge.

Search For Wisdom

(Word Search) A word search puzzle that describes what we need to do to gain wisdom.

Teachings From Proverbs

(Crossword) A quick walk through Proverbs to discover the benefits of heeding instruction.

Whom Shall We Follow?

(Cryptogram) Kids decode the words to find out whom we should be following. Psalm 25:5


Wise Ending

An interactive skit where the children provide an alternate ending to make an angry character respond wisely. (A skit for two)


A Very Wise King

A legend retold about the wisest king there ever was.