

God will provide everything we need

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19


Bag Of Joy

Although life has many ups and downs, God is always willing and able to help us through the difficult times.

Care Package

Children unscramble words to complete sentences that describe ways they can care for others. These are then added to a care package.

Care Package For The Homeless

The children will enjoy helping the less fortunate while they prepare care bags for the homeless.

Helper Pizza

The children will identify ways to help others with specific needs.

Power Source

There are many different sources of power in the world today; what is your power source?

The Importance Of Oil

Students are challenged to list ways oil is used today, which will help them gain a better understanding of its importance during biblical times.

Unseen Power

God's unseen power: what would we do without it?


God Is Good

A very colorful bulletin board to show thanksgiving to God for all the great things He provides.


Consider The Birds

A craft to show how God provides for those He loves in special ways.

Joseph Helps Jesus

The children will create a summary to recount Joseph of Arimathea’s service to Jesus.

Seven Good Years - Seven Bad Years

Children create a colorful grain silo to demonstrate the seven good years and seven bad years during the time of Joseph.

Shepherd's Table

Children use yummy treats to prepare a table as it says in Psalm 23:5, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies."

Thanksgiving Basket

A simple yet colorful basket the children can enjoy filling with God’s provisions.


Bible Turkey Hunt

A fun Thanksgiving game for kids that involves patience, teamwork and using the Bible.

Fill The Jars

A fast-paced game that introduces children to the first miracle performed by Jesus.

Help The Missionaries

Teams compete to see whose missionary will be able to build a church first.

Lie In Green Pastures

Teams race to be the first Good Shepherds to make their sheep lie down in green pastures. (Psalm 23:2)


Don't Worry - Be Thankful

After completing this lesson, the children will learn that our focus should not be on ourselves, but rather on God's Kingdom and His righteousness. As God supplies our daily needs, we should express our gratitude with prayers of thanksgiving.

God Calls Abram

Children will learn how God created an entire nation of people, starting with just the faith and obedience of one man who chose to follow Him.

God Loves Me

In this lesson, the kids will learn how God always knows what we need, and will always be there to provide for us.

God Speaks To Elijah

Children learn that when they do what God asks of them, through obedience, God will watch over them, and take care of all their needs.

Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is able and willing to supply both our physical and spiritual needs. We need to be careful not to waste the blessings the Lord provides and utilize these gifts to the best of our abilities.

Joseph Of Arimathea

God’s servants are willing to help others even when faced with a tough or challenging circumstance.

Love Of Money

Through this lesson children will learn that we must always realize from whom our blessings flow, and place our hope solely on God. We should enjoy the blessings God provides, but not pursue them for their own sakes.

Water Into Wine

In this lesson, children learn that the Lord cares about all of our needs, however seemingly insignificant, when He turns the ordinary into the exceptional for His glory.



Using the proper tools empowers us both physically and spiritually.

No Leftovers

This Object talk shows how God provides for all people, wealthy or poor.

What Is Missing?

God's blessings empower us to live our lives to the fullest.


Do Not Worry

(Word Search) Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives and to consider how God feeds the birds and dresses the lilies. (Matthew 6:25-34)

First Miraculous Sign

(Word Scamble) Jesus comes to the rescue and performs His first miracle. Kids unscramble key words associated with John 2:1-11.

Secret Message: Joseph Of Arimathea

(Word Fill-in) The children will use their bibles to discover a secret message about helping others.


Fix It

A mini skit that introduces the children to Nehemiah's mission from God. (Skit for two.)

God Will Provide

The story of the prophet Elijah during the time of severe drought while an unfaithful king ruled in the Northern Kingdom. Shows how God can provide in miraculous ways. 1 Kings 17:1-16 (Skit for five)


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

A simple song to help children remember from whom our blessings flow.