

To glorify, to say good things about someone or something (See also worship)

"Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise." Pslam 51:15


A Thankful Celebration

The children will participate in a group celebration.

Give Praise Where Praise Is Due

The children will learn the reverence in giving God praise and thanks.

I Will Praise The Lord

Kids will make a daily reminder to help them know the Lord is worthy of praise.

The Humble And The Proud

Using the parable about the Tax Collector and the Pharisee, this activity will help show the difference between humility and pride.

Why Do We Praise God?

God is awesome and worthy of our praise for many reasons. Kids can match these reasons with pictures of similar objects.


Out Of This World

Children will begin to see the vastness of how wonderful Jesus is with this display.


A Mother's Praise

In this lesson, the children will examine several well-known mothers from the Bible, and learn about the wife and mother of noble character. The children will discover how important the role of a mother is, and how mothers are worthy of praise.

Becoming A Glory-Giver

After completing this lesson, the children will realize that they need to give the credit, praise, or glory, to whom it is due, especially to God.

God Answers Prayers

Children learn that God typically answers the prayers of our hearts in one of three ways: yes, no, or wait.

How Do We Serve The One?

This lesson, will teach children how to serve the one true God by worshipping Him only. This lesson also explains that knowing His Word helps us resist temptation.

Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

God’s healing power is demonstrated throughout this lesson. Additionally, children learn the importance of praising Him with a thankful heart.

The Dancing King

This lesson shows how King David displayed his joy and gratitude as he brought the Ark of God back to Jerusalem. His example teaches us that we should be unashamed in expressing praise to our Lord in everything we do.

The Purpose Of Prayer

The third Sunday school lesson of a series that introduces children to the purposes of prayer.

Thrown Into Prison

In this lesson, the children learn that even when thrown into a difficult situation they can still worship and praise the Lord. When they do, God will use them for His glory.


In Awe Of God

We stand in awe of God. His greatness no one can fathom.


One Out Of Ten

This skit teaches children to exercise their faith and give praise to the Lord. (Skit for two or eleven.)


Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

A simple song to help children remember from whom our blessings flow.


I Can Praise Him With The Dance

A young girl finds a way to use her talent to praise and honor God, while encouraging others to do the same.