Why Do We Praise God?
God is awesome and worthy of our praise for many reasons. Kids can match these reasons with pictures of similar objects.
TOPICS:Knowing God, Prayer, Praise MATERIALS:Activity page for each child [PDF] Click here DURATION:Approximately 5 minutes |
Before class, print or make copies of the handout for each child.
This activity is great to use while children arrive because they can work on their own. Give each child a copy of the Object page as he or she arrives. Have the children follow the directions on the top. When everyone is finished, you can discuss his or her responses, and find out how many each child got right.
There are innumerable reasons to praise God. Here we talked about only eight of them. There is one even greater reason not on this list, does anyone know what it is? Here is a hint: a beautiful, wonderful, magnificent gift: Jesus. That's right. We can praise God because of His wonderful son Jesus, who died on the cross so that we may have everlasting life. That is a big reason to praise God. The Bible says, "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." Psalm 145:3 NIV