

Excusing someone of an offense, God's forgiveness of our sins

"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew 26:28
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  Ephesians 4:32


Gifts Of Love

An activity about showing forgiveness to others, as a true act of Godly love.

Inside My Heart

The children will identify sinful and righteous motives of the heart.

My Prayer Of Faith

Children learn about the "Prayer of Faith," and then develop their own prayer for the appropriate time.


A Special Card From God

Curiosity is explored in this fun Valentine project involving God’s word.

Empty Tomb

A stained glass craft that reminds children that Jesus has risen!

Father, Forgive Them

As Jesus hung on the cross, He asked His Father to forgive.

New Start Spinner

The children make a craft to remind them that God’s love and mercy is never ending and new every day.

Seventy Times Seven

How many times should I forgive? A delightful craft to show how often we should forgive one another.

White As Snow

A happy snowman to help the kids learn, "Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow" Isaiah 1:18 (NIRV)


Aaa Dev Test

The children will learn about God’s grace through justification.

Keeping Score

The children will learn about God’s grace through justification.

Keeping Score

The children will learn about God’s grace through justification.


God Is Just

As a result of studying about God’s fair and just nature, children will understand why it is important to confess their sins to God and ask for His forgiveness on a regular basis.

God's Faithfulness Matters

God is faithful to justify us even though we sin.

Jesus Dies For Our Sins

In this Easter lesson, children discover that Jesus loves us so much, He willingly died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. When we respond to God's call to repent and ask Jesus to forgive our sins, He washes us clean so we may have eternal life with Him in Heaven.

Joseph Forgives

Through the story of Joseph, and how he forgave his brothers for the way they treated him when he was young, the children learn the power of forgiveness. They also learn how Jesus forgives us and that it is important to forgive others.

Love Is Forgiving

In this lesson, the children will learn how to choose love and forgiveness over getting even, through the Old Testament Bible story of Joseph.

Seeing The Light

In this lesson the children will learn that like Saul, we must acknowledge Jesus as our Lord wherever we are, and follow Him wherever He leads us.

The Fall

After finishing this lesson children will understand that sin is deceptively beautiful at first, but that there is always a price to pay for disobedience. They will also see why God allowed mankind to fall.

The Unmerciful Servant

After finishing this lesson children will see that we need to forgive others just as God forgives us.

Trusting In Christ Alone

In this Sunday school lesson, the children will discover that faith is the key to receiving the gift of Salvation. Out of faith we are able to trust in Christ alone, confess His Holy name before others, be repentant of our sins, and finally in obedience to His Word, be baptized.


Filthy Rags

Can we, being like filthy rags, ever become completely clean? With Jesus we can!

Forgive & Forget

Forgiveness is sweeter than crisp, ripe apple.

Fully Cleansed

It takes more than doing good things to be born again, it takes the cleansing blood of Jesus.

God's Forgiveness

This Object Talk demonstrates the power of God's forgiveness of our sins through Christ, and how the Holy Spirit can melt away the barriers that keeps us from Him.

Held Tightly By Sin

A sinner is trapped by his own evil acts. He is held tightly by the ropes of his sins.

New Life In Christ

Baptism expresses the forgiveness of our sins and the freedom to live a new life in Christ.

Sin Revealed

Even when we try to hide our sins, or pretend they never happened, they have a way of showing up, like buttons in a glass of cola.

Sin Spoils

A little bit of mold can ruin a sandwich. Likewise, without Jesus, even a little bit of sin will keep us out of Heaven.

Trashed Mind

We need to think about those things which God calls good and flee from evil.


Weeds in the lawn are like sins in our lives, they're destructive.


All Sins Forgiven

(Cross-out) Children cross out certain words in this puzzle to reveal the message of 1 Peter 3:18, that Jesus died for our sins to bring us to God.

Cross Puzzle

(Jigsaw) "All we like sheep have gone astray," Isaiah 53:6: A cross-shaped puzzle to help the kids memorize.

Depend On Jesus

(Word Search) The children will review and find words that relate to Christian maturity.

Forgive Others

(Maze) Kids try to find which cartoon character leads to the topic of the day, which is to forgive others.

Power Of The Cross

(Cross-out) As Jesus died on the cross between two criminals, He asked His Father to do something very special for all of us. What He asked is found in Luke 23:24.



Children act out the story of Saul meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus, and learn a valuable lesson: When God wants to get our attention He can use anything! (Skit for five)

Loving Like Jesus

Part 3: Sofia gets out her apology, and also learns a valuable lesson about love. (A skit for two)

Power Of Forgiveness

The story of Joseph, the broken video game, and the power of forgiveness. (Skit for one or two)

The Monkey And The Lion

A story about forgiving the shortcomings of others to see their true worth. (Skit for three persons)