

Wickedness; doing things against God's will; darkness of the world (See devil)

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Psalm 34:14


Free From Evil

Children will look up verses describing various kinds of sin, and will remove those sins taped all over a volunteer.

Queen Athaliah Character Cards

Children will create cards to learn about the characters in the Queen Athaliah Bible story found in 2 Kings 11.

Zedekiah Alphabet

The children will use letters to spell words and remember facts about King Zedekiah.


Poison Tongue

No one can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil full of deadly poison (James 3: 8)


Ahab And Jezebel

This lesson teaches that God holds wicked leaders accountable.


This lesson will teach children that God uses His followers to stand up to wicked leaders.

Don't Reject God's Call (Balaam)

After completing this lesson, children will learn the importance of putting their complete trust in God and His everlasting promises. Children will also come to understand the importance of following God wholeheartedly.

How Do We Fight For The One?

In this lesson, children learn that we fight in a spiritual war when it comes to sharing the Word of God. We can prepare for this battle through prayer and fasting.

The Fall

After finishing this lesson children will understand that sin is deceptively beautiful at first, but that there is always a price to pay for disobedience. They will also see why God allowed mankind to fall.


This lesson will teach children that there are consequences for disobeying God.


Love Of Money

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10a

Trashed Mind

We need to think about those things which God calls good and flee from evil.


Ahab And Jezebel

(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story about Elijah's confrontation with Ahab and Jezibel.

Spiritual Battle

(Cross-out) The message revealed in this puzzle will help the children understand the spiritual battle occurring between good and evil as described in Ephesians 6:12.

The Tongue Is Like...

(Maze) Kids choose the correct path to finish the maze by only encountering the objects James compares the tongue to in the Bible.

Word Jumble Of Kings And Queens

Students unscramble words that name seven of the kings and queens found in the Bible.