

The way one can be seen reacting to different situations

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22


Choose To Serve

The children will choose actions and words that reflect a servant heart.

Citizen Of Heaven

An insightful activity that teaches children an important Spiritual Truth.

Cover To Cover

Children will enjoy an activity that demonstrates the importance of getting to know someone and the error with faultfinding.

Escaping Peer Pressure

The children will learn how biblical figures handled peer pressure.

Godly Behaviors

Kids complete several scenarios and then determine if their chosen actions would be considered showing justice (fairness), mercy (kindness), or being humble (selflessness).

Head Or Heart Knowledge

This activity helps students get a better understanding of the difference between “Head Knowledge” and “Heart Knowledge.”

Moving Time

The children will discover that it is easier to move forward spiritually when they get rid of their old bad habits and live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.


Through these exercises, children learn the importance of living according to God's standards, even if it means that we will live like foreigners in this world.

Stir The Pot, Or Cover It With Love?

Children learn that it is better to show others love, rather than stir up conflict.

What's In The Jar?

The children will guess the contents of each jar to learn about being “filled” by Jesus!


Jesus Fills Me Up

An interactive bulletin board to reward the children for attendance, answering questions, good behavior and much more.


Healthy Flower

This craft encourages attendance, class participation, evangelism, and good behavior.

My Heart Matters

The children will discover that God cares more about our hearts than outward appearances.

Old Versus New

The children will have fun drawing while their choices lead them to consider the biblical meaning of replacing the old self with the new.


Tower Of Babel

A challenging game that teaches children how to speak other languages.

Who Wants Beans?

The children will have fun as they learn about poverty, greed, and giving while playing a game.


A Reputation Of Strength

Through this Sunday school lesson, children will learn that consistently living a pure and holy life builds a strong, Godly reputation.

Don't Reject God's Call (Balaam)

After completing this lesson, children will learn the importance of putting their complete trust in God and His everlasting promises. Children will also come to understand the importance of following God wholeheartedly.

Father's Day - Go And Do

In this lesson, the children will learn about the importance of honoring their word and following through in obedience even when they do not feel like it.

Judging Others

This lesson teaches children that we all need forgiveness and that we should not have a fault-finding attitude toward others.

Living For God

Through this lesson, children will learn how God wants us to interact with fellow believers, as the end draws near.

Only Jesus Can Complete Me

Living for Jesus means relying on Him.

Repent And Turn

In this lesson,the children will see the Israelites’ hearts transform when they repent and change their ways. Your students will identify their own sins as well as how to reject sin in their lives.

Shine Brighter

In this lesson, the children will examine their actions and discover how to shine brighter for Jesus.

Strangers In The World

Through this lesson, children will learn that God does not want us to be influenced by the world, but rather we are here to live lives that will make a difference for the glory of God.


Can You Do A 180?

Children will have fun learning about the phrase “180” and how it applies to our relationship with God.

God's Instructions

Blessed are those who listen to God's instruction.

Human Billboards

And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right, 2 Thessalonians 3:13

Not Amused

"The wealth of the wise is their crown, but the folly of fools yields folly." Proverbs 14:24

Patterns For Life

An Object Talk about good habits and doing the right thing.

Picture Perfect

How can you be a good example of a child of God unless people can clearly see Jesus living in you?

What Are You Growing?

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7

What's In Your Heart?

The love of Jesus can transform an ugly sinful heart into a sweet caring heart.


Classroom Rules

A few simple rules for the students to follow to keep order in the classroom.


Classroom Rules

A few simple rules for the students to follow to keep order in the classroom.


Appearances Can Be Deceiving

(Cryptogram) People tend to look at other's outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.

Word Jumble Of Kings And Queens

Students unscramble words that name seven of the kings and queens found in the Bible.


Crummy Teeth

This skit teaches children that we all need forgiveness and that we should not have a fault-finding attitude toward others. (Skit for three.)

Joe And Sons: A Modern Parable

Here’s a silly twist on the story of "The parable of the Two Sons" found in Matthew 21:28-30.

Power Of The Tongue

Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing, my brothers, this should not be. James 3:10 (A skit for four)

To Be Kind Or Not To Be Kind

A skit about two kings, one kind the other mean, and the consequences of how they rule. (Skit for twelve or more)


Putting Jesus First

(Audio Available) A song about putting Jesus first in thoughts, words, and actions. Sung to the tune, "Are You Sleeping?"

Right Attitudes

(Audio Available) A simple song to promote having the right attitudes. Sung to tune of "Oh Where, oh where has my little Dog Gone?"