What do you see when you look at others?
Written by Mike Covell
Illustrations by Juliana Xavier
TOPICS:Christianity, Witnessing, Salvation DURATION:Approximately 10 minutes BEGIN STORYBOOK |
When you look at someone who is seperated from God, do you think he or she is worthless because of the trash (sin) in his or her life? The Good News is that none of us are worthless in God's eyes. In fact, His will is that none of us perish. (2 Peter 3:9) He wants us to get rid of the trash (sin) in our lives, but we can't get rid of the sin by ourselves. We need to ask Jesus to forgive us and give us a new heart. When we do, we become "Born Again" to follow God.
Once Jesus transforms our life and makes us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), it is only natural to want to tell others about the wonderful changes God has made in our life, and that He can do the same for them.