
Books of the Bible Starboard

Children like a challenge, especially when they get a star by their name as a reward. This colorful chart is a great way to encourage children to memorize the books of the Bible in order.


Memory/Review, Bible


Colored markers, ruler
Stick on stars
Bible Books Starboard (Example) [PDF] Click here


Old Testament Books of the Bible handout sheet [PDF] Click here
New Testament Books of the Bible handout sheet [PDF] Click here

Books of the Bible Starboard


Before class, print the bible Books Starboard example, and recreate the desing on a large piece of poster board..
If using the Old and New Testament Books of the Bible handout sheets, you need to have one of each for each child. 

Give each child one copy of the Old and New Testament Books of the Bible handout sheets. These are worksheets to help the children memorize the books of the Bible.

As the children memorize the books of the Bible in order, and are able to say the names aloud without looking, keep track of their progress using the Books of the Bible Starboard.