

LESSON 3: The Great Flood

Lessons in this series: 1 2 3 4 5 Overview

In this Sunday school lesson the children learn about the great flood and how God kept Noah and the animals safe and dry.


Noah, Protection, Promises

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

As the children arrive, have boxes of craft sticks (popsicle sticks) available for them to build small arks of their own, or have toy arks or boats for the children to play with. 

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

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BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)

"The Lord watches over all who love Him." Psalm 145:20a NIV
Explain to the children how God watches over us all the time. Sometimes, He gives us a way to keep safe from harm, like He did for Noah during the flood.

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Gather the children around you for story time. After the introduction, read the story about the building of the ark directly from the Bible. If possible, use a Children's Bible so it will be easier for the kids to understand.

Listen carefully as I read another story about Noah. This time, it is about a great flood and how God protected Noah and the animals. 

Read Genesis 7:12-20, 8:1-19, 9:8-17

Discussion Questions:

1. In our story today how long did it rain? (Forty days and forty nights.)
2. Who shut the Ark's door once Noah, his family and all the animals where inside the Ark? (God.)
3. How deep was the flood? Did it cover the mountains? (Yes, it was very deep, it even covered the mountains.)
4. Once it stopped raining what types of birds did Noah send out? (A raven and a dove.)
5 . The dove came back the first time because it couldn't find dry ground. Noah waited seven days and sent the dove out again. What did the Dove bring back? (A fresh olive branch.)
6. What did Noah do once the flood waters receded and the Ark rested on dry ground? (Noah let all the animals out of the ark.)
7. God promised never to flood the entire earth again. What does God put in the sky to remind us of this promise? (A rainbow.)

FUN TIME (10 minutes)

God's Rainbow (Craft) Click here


Colors of the Rainbow (Game) Click here


Flying Dove (Game) Click here     

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Further info? Click here
Thank God for His love and protection. Give children graham crackers and frosting and allow them to create their own versions of Noah's Ark.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

Faithful Noah (Song) Click here
Practice this song with the children as they wait to be picked-up.


Come back next week to learn about a colorful promise God made to the earth and all its inhabitants!


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here