

LESSON 4: God’s Rainbow Covenant

Lessons in this series: 1 2 3 4 5 Overview

Through this Sunday school lesson, children learn about God’s everlasting covenant with Noah and the earth.
by Kristy Thornton


Covenant, Noah, Promises, Rainbow

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Streamer Time (Activity) Click here

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

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BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes)

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:13 NIV
Have the children repeat this verse several times aloudwith you. As the children repeat the first part of the verse, have them wave their streamers up and down in the air. During the second half of the verse, have the students twirl their streamers in circles as if they are circling the earth.

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Gather the children around you for story time. After the introduction, read the story directly from the Bible. If possible, use a Children's Bible so it will be easier for the kids to understand.

Noah continued to please God after the flood. He placed sacrifices on the altar to worship God. God’s Love for Noah and the earth was great. He wanted Noah’s help to populate the earth with more people. He allows humans to govern the earth and animals. God also wanted to demonstrate how much He loved Noah and the Earth.  Let’s read and find out what promise God makes to Noah and the earth to demonstrate His Love.

Read Genesis 8:20-22, 9:1-17
Read the passage through once, then read Genesis 9:1-17 again, but this time have the children provide sound effects or movements when certain words are read. This is a fun way for the children to listen to the story, and remember some of the important words.

Discussion Questions:
1. What symbol did God put in the sky to remind Himself never to flood the whole earth again? (Rainbow. Genesis 9:15 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.)
2. With whom did God make a covenant? (Noah and all life on earth.)
3. Will God keep His covenant even if the humans continue to sin and be evil? (Yes, God will keep His covenant. He will never flood the Earth again. God always keeps His promises.)
4. How long is this Covenant last? (As long as the earth endures or for all generations to come.)
5. Why do you think God chose a rainbow as a sign of His covenant? (Allow children to speculate. Since a rainbow appears when there is rain, it would serve as a good reminder of God's promise not to flood the whole earth again.)

FUN TIME (10 minutes)

Covenant of Love (Activity) Click here


Rainbow Race (Game) Click here  

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Further info? Click here
Before having a snack, start by giving thanks to God for His everlasting covenant of love. Use graham crackers, white frosting, and skittles. Have the children create their own rainbow snack out of Skittles.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

God’s Beautiful Rainbow (Song) Click here


Come back next week for an action packed review on the life of Noah!


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here