(Click picture for poster) |
1 |
Beginning of Time |
Creation |
1. God the Magnificent Creator |
2. Adam and Eve |
3. Sin Enters The World |
4. Abel Pleases God |
Time Unknown |
The Life of Noah |
1. Noah Obeys God |
2. Noah's Big Job |
3. The Great Flood |
4. Noah Listened |
Time Unknown |
Tower of Babel |
1. Tower of Babel |
Around 2160 BC |
Abraham |
1. God Calls Abram |
2. The Birth of Isaac |
3. Jacob the Heel Grabber |
Around 1900 BC |
The Life of Joseph |
1. Joseph, Son of Jacob |
2. Joseph in Egypt |
3. Joseph Forgives His Brothers |
Around 1500 BC |
The Life of Moses |
1. Baby Moses |
2. Escape from Egypt |
3. Provision in the Wilderness |
4. Ten Rules to Live By |
5. The Twelve Spies |
Around 1400 BC |
Balaam |
1. Balaam and His Donkey |
Around 1400 BC |
Joshua |
1. Joshua Leads Israel |
2. Rahab and the Spies |
3. The Fall of Jericho |
Around 1400 BC |
Gideon |
1. Gideon Defeats the Enemy |
Around 1300 BC |
The Book of Ruth |
1. Ruth Follows God |
2. Ruth Works for God |
3. Ruth Follows Directions |
4. Ruth Finds New Life |
Around 1100 BC |
Samson |
1. Samon's Great Strength |
Around 1100 BC |
The Prophet Samuel |
1. Baby Samuel |
2. The Lord Calls Samuel |
3. Prophet and Judge |
Around 1050 BC |
King Saul |
1. A King on Demand |
2. My King Knows Me |
3. A King's Lie |
4. A King's Jealousy |
Around 1000 BC |
King David |
1. Anointed for God |
2. The Giant Killer |
3. David's Best Friend |
4. Honoring God |
5. Dancing for the Lord |
Around 950 BC |
King Solomon |
1. Solomon Asks for Wisdom |
2. A Temple for God |
3. Blessings From the Lord |
4. What did Solomon Forget? |
Around 875 BC |
Elijah |
1. God Speaks to Elijah |
Around 800 BC |
Jonah |
1. Jonah and the Big Fish |
Around 600 BC |
The Prophet Daniel |
1. A Meal Fit for a King |
2. The Fiery Furnace |
3. Daniel and the Lion's Den |
Around 470 BC |
Queen Esther |
1. Brave Queen Esther |