

Strong feelings of anxiety causing one to be unhappy or preoccupied with fear; sress (See also anxiety)

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?" Matthew 6:27


So Don't Worry

Worrying tears away at being able to enjoy the many pleasures life brings.


Be Thankful

Kids make a beautiful flower to remind them to be thankful for all God does.

Don't Worry, Be Thankful

Kids make a field of flowers to show the many blessings they have from God.


Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

Children will discover the importance of keeping their eyes on Jesus and their faith in Him to avoid falling into trouble.

Seeds That Fall Among Thorns

This third lesson, of a series of four, about the parable of the sower will help the children discover how truly wonderful the Word of God is and how we must not let worry, selfishness, or greed steal it away.


Harm Removed

Always trust in the Lord. This Object Talk will show the kids how God keeps us safe from the grasp of the devil in miraculous ways.

Sweetness Of Jesus

It is much easier for a Christian to handle the pressures of this world when they have the sweetness of Jesus inside.


Do Not Worry

(Word Search) Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives and to consider how God feeds the birds and dresses the lilies. (Matthew 6:25-34)


Mary And Martha

From this skit about two sisters children will see how Jesus should have a priority in their life. (Skit for four)

The Monkey And The Lion

A story about forgiving the shortcomings of others to see their true worth. (Skit for three persons)

Watch My Back

Sometimes things aren't what they seem, but we can always trust in the Lord for strength and understanding. (A skit for four or more persons)


Lighten My Load

(Audio Available) A song about giving our sorrows, fears, and worries to the Lord. Sung to “Jesus Loves Me.”