More than an activity, here's a tool that will help children investigate the Word of God.
Bible reading is good for the soul.
The children will discover free ways to help others by reading scripture verses.
One child draws an object only from verbal instructions given by another child. This activity shows how reading and studying the Bible can help us understand the Will of God.
I delight in your commands because I love them.
A great exercise that helps personalize God's message to us.
There are many different sources of power in the world today; what is your power source?
Kids will discover and share the importance of God's Word by producing and recording a radio commercial announcement.
God's Word gives us a strong foundation to defeat all foes.
Many verses in the Bible can help people with a particular problem or fear in their lives. Kids will decide which verse is best suited for six different situations.
God's Word empowers us to live for Jesus each and every day.
Kids try to identify wise sayings from the Bible and from secular sources.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.
Kids will make a bookmark to remember the five steps to having God's Word become a part of their life.
This craft will help children memorize and keep the Word of God close to their hearts.
Students will recreate a simple craft that is a part of the ancient religious leader’s tradition in memorizing scripture. The Children will wear it symbolically.
The children will discover that the Bible is our most special possession.
Children match Bible characters with the plan God had for each of their lives.
A fun Bible memory game that helps put the Word of God into our hearts.
A game to show how rewarding it is when we completely follow God's instructions.
The children will race to separate true and false statements regarding the Promised Helper.
A game that shows how we can have confidence that God is talking to us through His Scriptures.
After completing this lesson, the children will understand the importance of living a life that shows what they believe. They will be challenged to become doers of the word, not merely hearers.
Through this lesson, children learn that the Bible is reliable and trustworthy. God conveyed His Word through the Holy Spirit directly to the Prophets.
A five week lesson that teaches children that the Bible is our source for heavenly wisdom. Hearing, reading, studying, memorizing and meditating on the Word of God will help us live a good life that is pleasing to God.
After completing this lesson, the children will be challenged to choose to seek God’s wisdom. They will realize that it will not be easy to become wise but well worth it.
Highly annoying, but great at getting our attention, alarms play an important role in keeping us safe.
Using the proper tools empowers us both physically and spiritually.
Blessed are those who listen to God's instruction.
God’s Law shows us how truly we fall short of His glory.
The world around us may be polluted, but God gives us the means to remove these impurities.
Someone with a soft heart will soak up the Word of God. On the other hand, the Word of God rolls right off someone with a hardened heart.
An object lesson and fun activity to show how the Word of God can protect us from all the temptations thrown at us by the devil.
How long is your power cord? Do you have what it takes to tap into God's power?
The more time you spend reading the Bible the more treasures you will find.
There is no end to the treasures that can be found in the Bible, God will always provide new insights when we have the right attitude.
This Object Talk will show why it is important to build on a solid foundation to weather life's storms. That foundation is the Word of God.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.
(Word Search) The Word of God, the Bible, was written by over 35 people, each coming from a different background. This word search lets the kids find key words about the people who wrote the Bible.
Let your light shine in the darkness, and help set some captives free (Skit for four)
A skit that teaches children it is important to resist temptation by knowing God’s Word and serving Him only.
(Audio Available) There is a book that has good news, the BIBLE. Sung to the tune of “Bingo.”
We can all learn a thing or two from the owner's manual. The Bible is God's owner's manual for life.