

The feeling aroused by something strange and surprising (See also majesty)

"Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary." Psalm 96:6


Can You Control It?

The children learn to ask the Lord to intervene on their behalf when they are facing turbulent times.

For A Purpose

The children will make a visual aid to help them remember that God creates everyone and everything for a purpose, which is to bring Him glory.

Hold It Together

The children will reassemble objects to learn that Jesus holds everything together.


Consider God's Wonders

With this colorful bulletin board, children take time to stop and consider God's many wonders, as suggested in Job 37:14

Out Of This World

Children will begin to see the vastness of how wonderful Jesus is with this display.


Miracle Book

An awesome reminder that God performs many miracles, and He is amazing!

Storms Of Life

The children will create a visual aid to help them remember that Jesus can calm the storms in their lives.


Muddy Miracle

Children have fun playing a different version of Pin The Tail On The Donkey, which helps them remember the account of Jesus healing a blind man.


In Awe Of God

Through this lesson, children learn that we can take comfort in knowing that God is in control.

Jesus Calms The Storm

In this lesson, the children will see how Jesus has authority over all things. Nothing is impossible with Him.

Jesus Heals The Blind

In this lesson, the children will see that everything and everyone has a purpose in bringing glory to God. They will discover how Jesus’ miracles bring glory to God as well.

The Garden Of Eden

To give children an understanding of how beautiful the world is and the wonder and majesty of God's creation.

The Great Catch

Through this lesson children learn that we can accomplish so much more in life when we include God in everything we do. The Holy Spirit, prayer, and Bible reading empower both our physical and spiritual lives.


In Awe Of God

We stand in awe of God. His greatness no one can fathom.

The Big Picture

God is orchestrating beautiful and complex things all around us.


First Miraculous Sign

(Word Scamble) Jesus comes to the rescue and performs His first miracle. Kids unscramble key words associated with John 2:1-11.

God The Creator

(Cryptogram) When children finish decoding the puzzle, they learn that God is the creator of all things.

Where Is God?

(Word Fill-in) Children discover that God is everywhere' He is all around us. Words from Psalm 139:7-12.