
Will of God

What God desires, His purpose

"As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God." 1 Peter 4:2


Guide Me

One child draws an object only from verbal instructions given by another child. This activity shows how reading and studying the Bible can help us understand the Will of God.


God's Plan

Children match Bible characters with the plan God had for each of their lives.


A Very Wise King

After completing this lesson, children will learn that true wisdom comes only from God, and when they ask for wisdom and knowledge to know God's will, He will freely give it.

God Speaks With Moses

This Sunday school lesson teaches children that God desires to communicate with us and how important it is for us to listen to Him.

God's Partner

In this lesson, the children will discover that Nehemiah put the needs of his people and the need to serve God over his own interests and comfortable lifestyle.

Joseph Helps Pharaoh

Children learn that when they choose to follow God's Will, especially during times of difficulty or hardship, they build character, and the ability to serve the Lord even more.

Obey God Completely (Saul)

After completing this lesson, the children will understand the importance of following God's commands completely, and by doing so receive many blessings and joy.


Children will learn that having self-control means to follow the Will of our Lord, instead of giving into the temptations of this world.

The Lord Calls Samuel

Children will discover that by listening carefully, they can hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit.


No More Static

An object lesson about having control over what others see and hear in you.

Race Of Your Life

The choices you make will either help or hinder your ability to accomplish the tasks God gives you.


According To His Purpose

(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of Romans 8:28

Saul Is Anointed King

(Word Search) Children search for words related to Saul becoming king.


The Little Apple

(Storybook Available) We may have some plans for our lives, but God always has something better planned for us. We need to have faith, be patient, and seek the Will of God