

Trust in God, trusting in Jesus; having faith and believing in God; trustworthiness

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8 KJV


Adventures In Trust

An activity in overcoming life's obstacles.

Broken Promises

This activity shows the children a visual effect of broken promises.

Can We Believe What We Cannot See?

This activity demonstrates what faith is and how to increase it.


When we are scared, we should call out to our Heavenly Father.

Following On Faith

This Bible research activity teaches us how we can faithfully follow God even through difficult times.

Scripture Match-Up

A quick search through the Bible to match up verses about God's peace and protection with their correct scripture reference.

Tell Me No More Lies

In this activity, children will feel the freedom to give their sin to Jesus and turn from their old ways.

To Do List

The children will enjoy making a to do list to see how they can plan their day, but discover that the Lord guides their steps.

What Do You Trust?

We place our trust in many different things, but do we place our trust where it matters most?


My Yearly Goals

The children will plan their course and watch as God guides their steps.

Obedience Plates

The children will create a craft to compare the disobedient actions of Zedekiah and the obedient actions of Jeremiah.

Shield Of Character

The children will create a shield to display godly characteristics.


Persistence Relay

The children will play a challenging game that requires persistence and team work.

Trust Yourself, Others, Or God

The children will have fun walking through a maze and discover that life is better when we allow God to direct our steps.


A Mother's Obedience

In this lesson, the children will learn about a mother’s obedience, faith, and belief in God. When she shared the little she had, she was given more than she could ever expect.

Ahab And Jezebel

This lesson teaches that God holds wicked leaders accountable.


This lesson will teach children that God uses His followers to stand up to wicked leaders.

Daniel - Great Man Of Prayer

After completing this lesson, the children will learn that we should honor God above everything else. God will protect us when we trust and obey Him.

Defeating The Enemy (Gideon)

In this lesson, the children will learn how God enabled an unlikely warrior named Gideon to defeat a large army with only 300 men. Although outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible.

Following On Faith

With this introduction to the wonderful story of Ruth, children will learn that even during times of uncertainty, they can always follow the path of truth when they put their faith and trust in the Lord.

Making Promises

After completing this lesson, the children will learn the importance of keeping their promises.


In this lesson, the children learn that we can place our complete trust in our Lord, Jesus, because He cares for us.

The Fall Of Jericho

In this lesson, children will learn that it is foolish to trust in our own strength; rather, we should trust in the Power of God.

The Persistent Widow

This lesson will teach children that God honors faithful persistence.

Trusting In Christ Alone

In this Sunday school lesson, the children will discover that faith is the key to receiving the gift of Salvation. Out of faith we are able to trust in Christ alone, confess His Holy name before others, be repentant of our sins, and finally in obedience to His Word, be baptized.

We Can Know Jesus

After completing this lesson, the children will learn that truly knowing Jesus means to have an intimate and trusting relationship with Him.

We Plan, God Guides

In this lesson, the children will learn that we are to plan our ways and trust the Lord, as He guides our steps according to His perfect will.


God's Forgiveness

This Object Talk demonstrates the power of God's forgiveness of our sins through Christ, and how the Holy Spirit can melt away the barriers that keeps us from Him.

Harm Removed

Always trust in the Lord. This Object Talk will show the kids how God keeps us safe from the grasp of the devil in miraculous ways.

In God We Trust

A nation or a people that trusts in God is wise indeed.

Snatch The Stone

It is comforting to know we can trust God to keep us safe.

True Belief

We can believe with certainty Jesus is the Son of God, similar to the way we believe airplanes can fly.

Unseen Faith

This object talk demonstrates how faith in our Lord can help us from being crushed by fear.


Shipwreck Island

(Maze) Kids help Paul find his way to the Island of Malta by stepping on the debris from the ship.

Unlikely Bible Heroes

(Word Scramble) God often uses ordinary people to accomplish great things for His purpose. In this puzzle, children unscramble the names of some unlikely Bible heroes.


God Is Our Protector

The children will perform a skit based on Isaiah 36-37 to remind them that God is the only true protector. (Skit for seven or more: King Hezekiah, King of Assyria, Eliakim, Isaiah, Citizens, and two narrators.)

Moses In The Nile

This skit shows Moses' humble beginnings and how God protected him from harm. (Skit for five)

Stained Reputation

This skit will show children how lying can stain their reputation. (A skit for four)

Watch My Back

Sometimes things aren't what they seem, but we can always trust in the Lord for strength and understanding. (A skit for four or more persons)