

Treasures in Heaven compared to treasures on earth

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21


Gold Rush

Wisdom is like a precious coin. Look for it as you would a hidden treasure.


Choose Your Treasure

What would you do with a hundred dollars? Kids discover the difference between earthly and heavenly treasures while having a little fun.

Path To Great Treasure

A game to show how rewarding it is when we completely follow God's instructions.

Who Wants Beans?

The children will have fun as they learn about poverty, greed, and giving while playing a game.


God's Blessings

This lesson illustrates that by giving to others, God blesses us.

Heavenly Treasures

This lesson will help the children learn what it means to store up treasures in Heaven, where they will last forever, instead of on earth where they will soon disappear.

Restoration To The Poor

In this lesson, the children will discover that the people in Jerusalem needed to recognize the state of their hearts by seeing their actions were not lined up with God’s Word.

The Pearl Of Great Value

Through this lesson children will learn why it is important that we live our lives for the Lord.


A three week series teaching that those who are wise realize true blessings come from the Lord.


Heavenly Treasures

Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Matthew 6:20a

Love Of Money

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10a

Mysterious Key

God gives us many keys to unlock the mysteries of life.

Sweet Desserts

Children will learn that it is better to wait for heavenly rewards than it is to indulge themselves with worldly pleasures.

Tight Fisted

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Mark 8:36

Treasure Box

The more time you spend reading the Bible the more treasures you will find.

What's In Your Backpack?

Many things can be stored in backpacks. What do you store in yours, trash or treasure?


Heavenly Treasures

(Crossword) We should store treasures in Heaven, not on earth. All of the answers to this crossword puzzle about where our treasures should be stored can be found in Matthew 6:19-21.



Jesus didn't tell us, "Go therefore into all the world and collect a bunch of stuff." (Skit for three)


One Kid's Treasure

(Storybook Available) A story about one young man's discovery about everlasting love.