

Feeling a strong urge to do something wrong or to sin (See also self-control)

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Matthew 26:41



The devil does his best to make us turn from Jesus. This activity shows how easily we can be distracted.

Do Not Open!

Temptations are hard to resist. Are the kids up to the test, or will they give in like Adam and Eve?

How Tempted Are You?

Children are tempted by many things. This little quiz will give the kids an idea of how well they can resist some everyday temptations.

Temptation Resistance

How easy is it to do something you know is wrong, especially when the temptation is so great? Four short stories to test the kids' temptation resistance.


Self-Control Wheel

A fun way for kids to find a verse from the Bible that will help them when they feel tempted.


Battling Sin

Children have fun removing sin from their side of the battle field.

Throw Away Your Sins

A different spin on an old children’s game with a Christian life application


Doing What Is Right (Samson)

This lesson will help the children develop their self control to fight off the many temptations that keep them from being obedient to God and enjoying His many blessings.

Joseph Honors God

This lesson teaches that it is important to honor God at all times.

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

Children will discover the importance of keeping their eyes on Jesus and their faith in Him to avoid falling into trouble.


Children will learn that having self-control means to follow the Will of our Lord, instead of giving into the temptations of this world.

The Temptation

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that our spiritual growth can be hindered by our sinful desires.

Walk The Narrow Path

Children will choose to walk on the path of righteousness by avoiding ungodly influences and temptations along the way.


Incredible Strength

How can you gain the strength to stand up to the pressures and temptations of this world? This object lesson shows how.

Jell-O Surprise

An illustration that compares Jell-O to our fleshly (sinful) desires.

Sanding Rough Edges

God will never have us face temptations or difficulties beyond what we can bear, but going through these will help make us stronger, more mature Christians.


An object lesson and fun activity to show how the Word of God can protect us from all the temptations thrown at us by the devil.

The Spirit Is Willing

An object talk to show how easily the Devil can keep us from doing what we know is right. The Spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

Your Choice

The devil sometimes wraps bad things in pretty packages. This object talk will show the kids that it is easy to be fooled by the devil.


The Tempter Verses Jesus

A skit that teaches children it is important to resist temptation by knowing God’s Word and serving Him only.


Don't Get Hooked

(Storybook Available) A young fish finds that sin comes with a high price!

Forgetful Pedro

(Storybook Available) A lazy but happy horse finds new joy when he remembers to look straight ahead.

The Lazy Soldier

Even the best soldiers, if not careful, can get caught up in the wrong things.