Children enjoy a fun activity while learning how to prepare for opposition.
An insightful activity that teaches children an important Spiritual Truth.
The devil does his best to make us turn from Jesus. This activity shows how easily
we can be distracted.
Kids examine different chores to learn about the benefits of patience and perseverance.
The children will review Nehemiah’s different character traits and attributes.
Through these exercises, children learn the importance of living according to God's standards, even if it means that we will live like foreigners in this world.
God's Word gives us a strong foundation to defeat all foes.
We live in a world filled with many weeds, but we are children of God. Therefore, let us rise high and live for Jesus.
Children have fun removing sin from their side of the battle field.
A new spin on an old game. Are the kids as brave as David?
A game that introduces the concept of spiritual warfare.
Children will learn that God gives them the courage and encouragement they need to remain obedient to Him, even during tough times, worldly pressures, and persecution.
After completing this lesson, the children will see that we should never place our own happiness above the needs of others.
This Sunday school lesson teaches the importance of being on guard spiritually and to use all of the resources God gives us.
Children will discover the importance of keeping their eyes on Jesus and their faith in Him to avoid falling into trouble.
In this lesson, the children will discover that we are asked to rejoice in the Lord no matter what the circumstances are. They will learn that they can do all things through Jesus whom gives them strength.
In this lesson, the children learn that Nehemiah let neither opposition nor mockers stand in his way of repairing the walls around Jerusalem.
In this last lesson of the series on the Beatitudes, the children will discover how Christians can be faithful and strong in what they believe, even when being persecuted and mocked by those who do not believe. They will learn that this strength and hope to stand against evil is one of God's greatest gifts.
Through this lesson, children will learn that God does not want us to be influenced by the world, but rather we are here to live lives that will make a difference for the glory of God.
After completing this lesson, the children will see how God enabled David to be brave in the face of danger.
In this lesson, the children will see how much Paul loved others and encouraged them to live joyfully for Christ in all circumstances.
To withstand the droughts and hardships of life, and let others see Jesus alive in us,
we need to be deeply rooted in the Word of God.
This object talk demonstrates how faith in our Lord can help us from being crushed by fear.
(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of Romans 8:28
(Maze) Help Daniel avoid the lions and find his way out of this tricky maze.
(Word Fill-in) A word puzzle to help the kids discover what it really took for Noah to build the ark.
(Word Search) Children search for words found in the story of Nehemiah, who let neither opposition nor mockers stand in his way of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls for God.
(Word Search) We are told to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground. Kids become familiar with the different pieces of God's armor in this word search.
A modern day David and Goliath story that is common in many schools today. This time David boldly claims Jesus against the Goliath of drugs. (Skit for four persons)
A lesson in standing for God no matter what. (Skit for six)
(Storybook Available) A lazy but happy horse finds new joy when he remembers to look straight ahead.