
Spiritual Growth

Growing and maturing as a Christian through the direction of the Holy Spirit

"And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God" Colossians 1:10


Follow The Directions

The children will learn what they must do in order to obey God.

Hold It Together

The children will reassemble objects to learn that Jesus holds everything together.

Magnet Discovery Bin

The children will discover a similarity between magnetism and believing in Jesus Christ.

My Fruit

This activity will show that each of us is known by the type of fruit that we produce.

My Very Own Parable

The children will create a story to help others learn about God.

Spiritual Pruning

An activity to teach children that God prunes us and cuts things out of our lives so that our lives will produce more fruit for Him.

Teamwork Juggle

The children will learn the importance of being a reliable team member.

The Mind Of Christ

The children will choose words that reflect having the mind of Christ.

Things Above And Things Below

The children will identify qualities of the “new self” verses those of the “old self.”

Tic Tac Toe Unlimited

The children will have fun playing a game of tic tac toe where they get multiple chances to try to win.

Types Of Leaders

The children will identify types of leaders and the traits associated with each role.


Growing For Jesus

Children grow fast, and they need to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Kids will participate in making this bulletin board look like a real tree.

Pear Up With Jesus

As luscious pears depend on God to grow, this bulletin board will show how we can have a very fruitful life when we pair up with Jesus.

Rise And Live For Jesus

We live in a world filled with many weeds, but we are children of God. Therefore, let us rise high and live for Jesus.

Showers Of Blessings

Living for Jesus means we will have a life full of blessings. These blessings will help us grow, and be happy, like flowers during a spring rain.


Jesus Stacking Cups

The children will race to stack cups and put Jesus first!

Leadership Sentences

The children will learn that leaders must be involved to successfully guide others.

Opposites Charades

The children will practice identifying negative actions that do not obey God’s word.

Pop The Fruit

This noisy and lively game will help the children learn the nine attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit.


Becoming A Doer

After completing this lesson, the children will understand the importance of living a life that shows what they believe. They will be challenged to become doers of the word, not merely hearers.

Becoming Perseverant

After completing this lesson, the children will be challenged to persevere, no matter what activity they are doing, because they will become mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Depending On God

After completing this lesson, the children will understand how they must depend on God in the same way Jesus depended on His father in Heaven.

God's Big Plans For You

After completing this lesson, the children will see how God can use them to do big things for Him.

Jesus Helps Us Grow

Through this lesson children will learn that difficulties, although not pleasant, help us grow and mature in our walk with Jesus. Jesus is there, lovingly helping us through these times of refinement.

Live Like Jesus

Choosing to obey God leads to Christian maturity.

Nine Traits Of The Holy Spirit

After completing this lesson, the children will understand that the Holy Spirit has nine traits that He wants to bring forth in us.

Obey And Grow

Our faith grows as we serve the Lord.

Put Jesus First

Thinking about spiritual things, and putting Jesus first, is a sign of Christian maturity.

Seeds That Fall On Good Soil

This fourth lesson in this series focuses on the sower's seeds that fall on good soil. The children will discover how the wonderful the Word of God helps us grow spiritually and gives us everlasting life with Jesus.


A three lesson series that allows children to discover how to live lives that are spiritually blessed.

We Can Live For Jesus

In this lesson, children will learn that apart from Jesus, we have no life, and when we are living for Jesus we can bear much fruit.


Perfect Mix

Are you made with the right stuff? With Jesus, we are the perfect mix.

Right Environment

Just as it takes the right environment to grow a beautiful flower, it also takes the right environment for us to grow spiritually.

Sanding Rough Edges

God will never have us face temptations or difficulties beyond what we can bear, but going through these will help make us stronger, more mature Christians.

Soar For God

When we have faith and follow the Holy Spirit, we will soar as high as a kite for God.


Followers of Christ are a lot like gardens. We must drink in God's living water each day to remain healthy.


How To Live A Godly Life

(Cross-out) Children cross out words that are the names of animals, colors, and numbers to reveal the encouraging message of 2 Peter 1:3

Jesus Depended On God

(Crossword) Jesus depended on God, and He asks us to depend on Him and His power as a branch depends on the vine. John 15:4,5

Tangram Verse Puzzle

"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). This verse is written on a Tangram, an ancient baffling puzzle kids can solve.

What We Are Called To Be

(Word Fill-in) Children find out what they can become according to Romans 12:1 when they have Godly attitudes.