When we are scared, we should call out to our Heavenly Father.
The children will perform an activity to learn how to defend the innocent.
Children learn about God's protection by putting on the full armor of God.
(Coloring Page) Paul's friends help him escape harm by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)
The children will act out scenarios to practice being protective helpers.
(Coloring Activity) Kids color a Roman soldier wearing the different pieces of armor, then match the items to the descriptions found in Ephesians 6:10-17.
A quick search through the Bible to match up verses about God's peace and protection with their correct scripture reference.
God's Word gives us a strong foundation to defeat all foes.
Kids will enjoy memorizing this beautiful and meaningful Psalm with these handy picture cards.
God's Word empowers us to live for Jesus each and every day.
This activity will compare warning signs the children see everyday with warnings found in the Bible. Warning signs we see help us be safe, but warning signs from God help us in many more ways.
The children will identify multiple purposes of a gate and then discuss why good gates were important to Jerusalem.
Children search for letters to decipher the answer to the question, "Who hid the spies?"
We serve a mighty God who is an Army of One. This bulletin boards shows the children how God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit work together as one.
God protects Noah and the animals aboard the ark as the rain falls and the waters flood the earth. Great for preschool.
A pleasant and colorful reminder that Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He watches over us, protects us, and in Him we shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)
Kids create their own set of Biblical armor.
As children drift off to sleep, they think about Jesus. Then in the morning, they thank Him for a new day.
The children will make a craft that helps them understand the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life.
Students will create a pyramid snack constructed from graham crackers and icing to remind them of God’s protection of Jesus in Egypt.
A wonderful craft to begin a Sunday School Class. The children have an opportunity to be creative while enjoying the fellowship of their classmates.
The children will create a visual aid to help them remember that Jesus can calm the storms in their lives.
When finished, this craft will be a reminder that the Lord is our fortress, our deliverer,
our shield, and the strength of our salvation.
Teams race to be the first Good Shepherds to make their sheep lie down in green pastures. (Psalm 23:2)
The children will find matches that relate to protection.
Children will learn that God gives them the courage and encouragement they need to remain obedient to Him, even during tough times, worldly pressures, and persecution.
Children learn that faith is the key to finding courage
Helpers are willing to protect others from harm.
After completing this lesson, the children will learn that we should honor God above everything else. God will protect us when we trust and obey Him.
In this lesson, the children will learn how God enabled an unlikely warrior named Gideon to defeat a large army with only 300 men. Although outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible.
This Sunday school lesson teaches the importance of being on guard spiritually and to use all of the resources God gives us.
Children will learn how God created an entire nation of people, starting with just the faith and obedience of one man who chose to follow Him.
In this lesson, children learn how God is everywhere. No matter where they are, God is there to protect and guide them.
In the second lesson covering Psalm 23, the kids will learn that we can feel safe and protected because we have a Good Shepherd to watch over us, to make sure we do not stray and to show us the way.
In this lesson, the kids will learn how God always knows what we need, and will always be there to provide for us.
Children learn that when they do what God asks of them, through obedience, God will watch over them, and take care of all their needs.
In this lesson, the children will learn how God protected Jesus even though King Herod worked hard to kill Him. Herod represents those who are against God and Jesus during Christmas.
This lesson will teach children that God is our one, true source of strength and protection.
In this lesson, the children will see how Jesus has authority over all things. Nothing is impossible with Him.
Through this lesson children will learn that Jesus not only understands our troubles, but also that He will help us get through the difficult times in our lives.
A lesson that teachs children that God works for the good of those who love Him.
God’s helpers are willing to stand up for others.
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will learn that God protects us and has a plan for each of our lives.
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will see that God is a God of miracles and that His power and might sustains us each day.
In this lesson, children will learn about a woman named Rahab. The students will see how Rahab's decision to help God's people saved her life and the life of her family.
Through this lesson, the children will see the magnitude of God’s wrath, also how He provides safety (salvation) for His people.
Children learn that God’s helpers remain faithful, even during difficult times.
In this lesson, children will learn that it is foolish to trust in our own strength; rather, we should trust in the Power of God.
After completing this lesson, the children will see how God enabled David to be brave in the face of danger.
In this lesson, the children learn that not only can God change a person’s life, but He is also there to lead the way to keep us safe.
Highly annoying, but great at getting our attention, alarms play an important role in keeping us safe.
A cactus has needles to protect the water within, but when we drink of the living water,
we have God's protection.
Always trust in the Lord. This Object Talk will show the kids how God keeps us safe from the grasp of the devil in miraculous ways.
The world around us may be polluted, but God gives us the means to remove these impurities.
It is comforting to know we can trust God to keep us safe.
An object lesson and fun activity to show how the Word of God can protect us from all the temptations thrown at us by the devil.
An object talk to show how God protects us in unseen ways, to help us overcome life's difficulties.
This object talk demonstrates how faith in our Lord can help us from being crushed by fear.
(Maze) Help Daniel avoid the lions and find his way out of this tricky maze.
(Maze) Children help Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego find their way to safety in this maze.
Taken from Daniel 3:12-30
(Cross-out) While walking along the path, the Word of the Lord will be our guiding light. (Psalm 119:105)
(Crossword) In this puzzle, students will use the story from Matthew 2:1-20 to answer questions about King Herod and his opposition to Jesus.
(Crossword) Kids can find all of the answers to this crossword puzzle by reading Psalm 23.
(Word Search) We are told to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground. Kids become familiar with the different pieces of God's armor in this word search.
(Word Winder) What did it take for Daniel to survive when he was in Babylon? This word winder provides the answer.
(Cryptogram) Children decode the verse to find out who watches over us.
A skit about David and Goliath that teaches children that it is important to know God and to serve only Him. (Skit for up to four)
The children will perform a skit based on Isaiah 36-37 to remind them that God is the only true protector.
(Skit for seven or more: King Hezekiah, King of Assyria, Eliakim, Isaiah, Citizens, and two narrators.)
This skit shows Moses' humble beginnings and how God protected him from harm.
(Skit for five)
The exodus from Egypt, as told by one family's pets (Skit for two)
This is a skit about three families during the time God sent the tenth and most devastating plague to Egypt, when Pharaoh finally let His people go. (Skit for nine)
A classic story set to a modern beat the children can create on their own.